Oh My God!. (1994)

Film-document №10007 3 parts, Duration: 0:28:00 to collection Price category C
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:08:58

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Skabard T.

Operators: Voroncov S.


The film raises the problem of alcoholism in Russia in a grotesque, fiction manner.

Temporary description

The film stars C. Wachter, Vladimir Dolinsky, N. Mukhin, S. Baranov, Kikiashvili, V. Gorbenin, Shabunin, R. Parkhomenko, who play situation binge drinking of alcohol in the train compartment, kitchen apartment, bus. Moscow. Suited to the platform the train, one of the passengers who came calling on the phone. Products trade on the street. Posters, slogans adjustment period. Street musicians play wind instruments, held on Red Square. Satirical scene depicting a conversation with the police arrested a drunken man and a policeman on duty.

Reel №1

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Two men are sitting in a compartment, drinking and telling jokes, talking about life.

A fellow traveler gets off the top shelf.

They offer him a drink.

The woman on the other top shelf is unhappy with what is happening.

A woman is lying in the corridor of the car.

The train is arriving at the station.

People unload things.

Kievsky railway station.

A man calls a friend from a pay phone.

Street trading.

A man sells sausages.

The man (the hero) gets on the bus.

On the bus, an altercation ensues with a man carrying a pig's head in a string bag.

Large: pig's head in a string bag.

A woman on the street sells communist literature.


The hero calls again from a pay phone.





Social life

Reel №2

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The man got stuck in the elevator.

A woman comes out of the apartment on the landing.

The woman swears at the stuck one.

Two men are sitting at a table in the kitchen.

They drink, they talk.

Water is flowing from the tap.

A man enters the apartment.

He brought the owner a gift from Zhmerinka (a bottle).

The men are already sitting at the table in threes.

Two men get on an abandoned bus.

The feast continues on the bus.

Grandma knocks on the bus, demanding either 100 rubles or 100 grams.

Grandma is poured and given a snack.





Social life

Reel №3

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Two men are playing wind instruments on the street.

Two of our heroes are dancing to the music.

Men walk down the street, drinking beer from cans.

They approach the cardboard figures of Gorbachev and Yeltsin.

A man holds a bag with a laugh in his hands.


Two men in a pay phone.

The hero once again calls a friend, to whom he will not reach in any way.

Heroes on Red Square.

The man was taken to the police.

The detainee writes an explanation.

The lieutenant dictates what to write.

Evening, the hero walks down the street, sits on a bench, falls asleep.

Train compartment, our hero sleeps on the bottom shelf.





Social life

Movie №0