How it was (1998) 31.01.1998

Film-document №102643 1 part, Duration: 0:37:49 to collection Price category --
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Part 1 0:37:50

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Producer VID

Anchorperson: Shklovskij Oleg

Reel №1

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The first farmer in Russia, 1978.

The main character of the issue is Alexander Leonidovich Orlovsky, the first Russian farmer who moved with his family to Kirov in 1978.

His entire household fit in a container: two tons of grain and very few things.

In order to engage in agriculture, in those years it was necessary to join the collective farm, but Orlovsky, on the contrary, left the collective farm, as his grandfather once left, and began to work independently.

Orlovsky received the first State act on land with the right of inheritance in modern Russia only in 1990, when farming was talked about all over the country and quite loudly.

The local executive committee believed in the success of the Orlovsky family, did not object to the transfer of land to private ownership, so it was decided to formalize everything officially.

But the collective farmers were outraged, the conflict began.

Orlovsky himself believes that the collective farmers were used for their own purposes by foremen and party leaders, and ordinary people did not fully understand the situation and continued to raid his land.

The situation around farming was changing rapidly, only a year later farmers became the rightful owners of their lands and in 1991 held the first official congress.

But this did not help Orlovsky, his farm was still set on fire, animals were killed, a well was filled with concrete, a collective farm herd was driven into a meadow, hay was stolen, and when his son Alexei, without waiting for the promised compensation for the damage caused, took a haystack from the collective farm field, the case was brought to court and inflated as if he had committed the crime of the century.

Alexander Leonidovich, his wife Raisa Nikiforovna, children Alexey, Tatiana and Nadezhda talk in detail about life on the farm, hard work, constant attacks by neighbors-collective farmers and about arbitrariness from which no one can, and most importantly, does not want to protect them.

Also in the studio are the head of the Department of Agriculture in the executive committee of the Slobodsky district Anatoly Stepanovich Neganov, former chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR Ivan Stepanovich Silaev, one of the organizers of the first congress of farmers Yuri Dmitrievich Chernichenko, author and director of the multi-part film about the Orlovsky family "Leshkin Meadow" (1996) Alexey Ivanovich Pogrebnoy.

Chernichenko believes that the only purpose of the attacks on Orlovsky is to ruin him and drive him away.

Silaev is outraged by the current situation and promises to personally contact the Minister of Agriculture to help deal with this issue.

The chronicle of the first congress of farmers of Russia, fragments of the film "Leshkin Meadow" were used in the preparation of the program.


Pogrebnoj A.I. -- Russian documentary filmmaker, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, artistic director of the Vyatka Film Studio.
Neganov A.S. -- Head of the Department of Agriculture in the district Executive Committee of the Slobodsky district.
Silaev I.S. -- Soviet and Russian statesman, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, Hero of Socialist Labor.
Chernichenko Yu.D. -- Soviet writer, novelist, journalist, public and political figure, TV presenter.

