"Служу Отчизне" исходные материалы. (2000)

Film-document №102805 3 footages, Duration: 1:26:35 to collection Price category V
Title image

Scene 1 0:21:55

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Scene №1 Exercises at the training ground of the engineer-sapper regiment, body armor for a service dog

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Exercises at the training ground of the engineer-sapper regiment, a bulletproof vest for a service dog.

It's raining, a BMP-1 car with armored soldiers is moving along a forest road, noise grenades explode, columns of smoke and flashes, the troops land in a ditch.

A dog handler with a mine-search dog is walking along the road, followed by soldiers with metal detectors.

Soldiers with mine detectors are walking on the grass next to the road.

Soldiers crouch, look around, aim from machine guns.

The miner raises his hand, finding a mine, takes out a probe, backs away.

A demolition miner lays a charge for detonation next to a mine, soldiers hide behind an armored personnel carrier.

A pop, a column of smoke, flashes, a whistle, a mine destroyed.

A dog handler with a mine-search dog and miners with metal detectors continue to move.

The dog finds a mine on the road and sits down next to it.

The miner lays a charge for detonation next to the mine, the explosion of a defused mine.

View of the APC.

The soldier gives a signal, the soldiers come out from behind the APC and continue moving.

A dog handler with a search service dog in a bulletproof vest, soldiers aiming from machine guns, soldiers with metal detectors nearby.

The APC is moving along the road.

On the forest road, the correspondent talks about the exercises at the training ground of the engineer-sapper regiment and the bulletproof vest worn by the mine-search dog.

An employee of the company for the development of protective clothing talks about a bulletproof vest for service dogs, talks about the characteristics of the vest, shows its adjustment, structural elements on a dog dummy, talks about flexible protective elements made of aramid and metal materials, dirt protection, the size of the product and shoes for dogs - "chuni".

A mannequin of a dog in a bulletproof vest with the inscription "Militia".

An employee of the company about the use of the vest in all weather conditions and its cost.

Key words

service dog breeding




Leningrad region

Army; Military exercises and maneuvers
Defense and internal security

Scene №2 Winter exercises, parachute landing and equipment from IL-76 aircraft

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Winter exercises, parachute landing and equipment from IL-76 aircraft.

Parachuting in the sky, parachutes slowly descend to the ground, automatic gunfire is heard.

A general view of the sky, the earth and a pole with wires, parachutists.

Parachutists land in bushes and snow.

Parachute domes over the birch forest.

The faces of children in winter hats.

Civilians and military are watching the maneuvers.

The stadium grandstand with the inscription "Glory to the airborne troops".

Two IL-76 planes in the sky.

One IL-76 aircraft in the air.

Two Su-27 fighter planes in the sky.

Three paratroopers are walking across the field, in white camouflage suits, with parachutes collected in backpacks on their backs, holding machine guns in their hands.

The IL-76 aircraft releases heat traps in the air.

A war correspondent with a camera in the field, a paratrooper with a backpack in the background.

The IL-76 plane drops equipment by parachute, the parachute lands and shoots back, a flash, smoke.

A parachute with a cargo platform is approaching the ground, a parachute firing, a flash and smoke are triggered.

The parachute dome is lying on the ground, next to the BMD-3.

Three platforms with BMD land from the plane, slowly descend to the ground on parachutes, land, the shot parachutes fly over the field.

The IL-76 aircraft releases heat traps.

Two fighter jets in the sky are releasing heat traps.

Black smoke over the field.

A military radio operator with a field radio on his shoulder, with an antenna.

Paratroopers from the IL-76 plane.

The plane leaves the frame, paratroopers on parachutes slowly descend to the ground.

Parachutists in the light of the sun, shot through a filter with the effect of rays.

Parachutists land on the ground, "extinguish" the domes of parachutes.

The domes of the "outstanding" parachutes drag paratroopers in camouflage suits behind them.

A group of parachutists simultaneously performs a landing, the domes move over the field.

Parachutists are landing from the IL-76 aircraft.

The domes of the "outstanding" parachutes are dragging paratroopers along the field.

Paratroopers help each other to "extinguish" parachutes.

View of the grass and snow in the field.

The sun was shot through a filter with the effect of rays.

A group of parachutists performs a simultaneous landing.

Parachutists are landing from the IL-76 aircraft.

View of the flying parachutists.

A flying parachutist prepares to land, connects his legs together and lands, the parachute pulls him along, the paratrooper "extinguishes" the parachute by pulling the straps.

Parachutists are landing from the IL-76 aircraft.

The plane leaves the frame, paratroopers on parachutes slowly descend to the ground.

Shooting through a filter with the effect of rays, parachutists in the rays of the sun against the background of clouds.

Two parachutists land at the same time.

The domes of the "outstanding" parachutes drag the paratroopers along the field.

Paratroopers collect and pack parachutes.

Shooting through a filter with the effect of rays, the parachutist momentarily covers the sun with a dome, against the background of clouds.

Unsuccessful landing, the paratrooper falls on his back, the parachute pulls him through the snow.



Army; Military exercises and maneuvers; Aviation
Defense and internal security

Scene №3 The Red Banner division of operational assignment named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky, the delivery of standards for the krapovy beret

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The Red Banner division of operational assignment named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky, the delivery of standards for the krapovy beret.

Soldiers of the division on the territory of the unit are preparing for the trip, standing next to trucks.

Fighters with machine guns and ammunition are loaded into the body of the GAZ-66.

Close-up: the face of a fighter and the barrel of a machine gun.

Fighters communicate in the back of a truck.

A fighter loads a machine gun belt with cartridges.

Close-up: the hands of a fighter insert cartridges into a machine gun belt, the barrel of a machine gun is visible.

The fighters climb into the body of the GAZ-66.

Two fighters go to the truck "Ural-4320".

An army truck "Ural-4320" with a blue awning is moving through the territory of the unit, soldiers are in the back.

Fighters communicate with the correspondent.

The fighter, having opened the door of the truck, communicates with the driver.

Front view through the windshield of the driver.

Front view of the hood and cab of the truck.

Three soldiers are standing by the truck.

Three servicemen are standing in the back of a truck.

Faces of military personnel.

Fighters in camouflage uniforms, wearing helmets and with machine guns are preparing for formation.

Fighters in camouflage uniforms leave the building.

The middle plan: fighters with machine guns in camouflage uniforms and helmets.

The fighter's hand holds a bouquet of carnations.

An officer in a maroon beret, next to an officer in a cap.

A line of fighters in camouflage uniforms, helmets, with machine guns, one of them with a bouquet of carnations.

Close-up: the faces of the fighters in the maroon berets.

An officer in a maroon beret gives instructions to a formation of fighters with machine guns.

Close-up: the face of a fighter in a helmet, with a machine gun.

A line of soldiers greets the lieutenant colonel.

The Lieutenant Colonel wishes the soldiers good luck in performing combat missions.

The middle plan: fighters with machine guns, in camouflage uniforms and helmets.

Front view of three soldiers on guard with the banner of the unit.

Side view of three soldiers on guard with the banner of the unit, the inscription on the banner "Knight".

The fighters, with their heads bowed and kneeling, hold the maroon berets in their arms bent at the elbow.

The fighters get up, put on the krapovye berets, insert magazines with cartridges into the machine guns.

View of a line of fighters holding machine guns vertically in their right hand.

Relatives look at the commandos.

The special forces column executes the command "To the Right" and begins to move.

View of a column of marching commandos holding machine guns vertically in their right hand.

In the forest, a column of special forces soldiers holding machine guns vertically in their right hand is walking along the path.

View of the trees in the fog and the rays of the sun.

The commandos, encouraging each other, run along the forest road.

Fighters in full gear with machine guns are crawling like a plast, instructors comment on the execution of the order.

The fighters are crawling across the bridge over the river, an instructor is walking next to them.

Smoke over the river from a smoke bomb.

The fighters are crossing the river, continuing to move through the forest, instructors and correspondents are running side by side.

Fighters perform somersaults over their heads, roll down the slope, holding machine guns.

Fighters are crawling on their knees, holding machine guns behind their heads.

The commandos are crawling on their knees in the smoke, holding machine guns behind their heads.

View of a clearing in the forest, smoke, gunshots are heard.

Fighters in the smoke in full gear with machine guns are crawling like a plast, the instructor is shooting from a machine gun.

Fighters perform somersaults over their heads, roll down the slope, holding machine guns.

Fighters do push-ups from the ground.

The instructor in the krapovoe beret speaks on the radio.

The soldiers carry the "wounded" on their shoulders, climb the mountain, instructors urge the soldiers.

A fighter standing up shoots from a hand-held machine gun over the heads of soldiers.

The instructor adjusts the fighters, makes comments.

The average plan: the fighters carry the "wounded" on their shoulders, climbing uphill.

The instructor crosses out from the list of fighters who have not passed the test.

The fighters perform the exercises "lying down", "lifting the legs", the instructor monitors the execution of the order.

Fighters perform somersaults over their heads, roll down the slope, holding machine guns.

Special Forces soldier Vadim, who has not passed the test, says he will try to pass the tests next year.

Close-up: the face of a fighter in a helmet.

Fighters carry the "wounded" on their shoulders, climbing uphill.

An instructor in a maroon beret tells the correspondent about the reasons for the withdrawal of fighters at the stages of the endurance test.

The fighters perform the exercise "lying down", the instructor monitors the performance.

The soldiers perform the "jumping out" exercise, holding the machine guns behind their heads, the instructor keeps score.

The fighters perform the "push-up" exercise.

The instructor checks the equipment of the fighters.

Dirty pants and shoes of a fighter after the test.




Moscow region

Army; Military exercises and maneuvers
Defense and internal security