"Служу Отчизне" исходные материалы. (2000)

Film-document №102806 7 footages, Duration: 2:44:12 to collection Price category V
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Scene 1 0:36:08

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Scene №1 Conversation between Archpriest Vladislav Sveshnikov and musician Konstantin Kinchev

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Conversation between Archpriest Vladislav Sveshnikov and musician Konstantin Kinchev.

Father Vladislav answers Kinchev's questions about Christianity and the formation of personality, says morality, philosophy, Old Testament commandments.

Father Vladislav answers Kinchev's question whether a musician can preach, talks about national identity, relations between believers of different religions, overcoming vanity and pride, and humility.


Sveshnikov V.V. -- Priest of the Russian Orthodox Church, rector of the Church of the Three Saints on Kulishki, Doctor of theology.
Kinchev K.E. -- Soviet and Russian rock musician, singer, songwriter, leader of the rock band "Alice".



Religion; Social life

Scene №2 242nd training center for junior specialists of the Airborne Forces

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242nd training center for junior specialists of the Airborne Forces.

Airborne cadets on the parade ground, a priest is preparing for the ceremony in front of the formation, a chorister is next to him.

Priest Pyotr Lysenko lights candles, reads a sermon and conducts a blessing ceremony for the fighters.

The priest tells about his business trip to Chechnya, about skydiving.

The soldiers are marching on the parade ground.

The priest takes off his church vestments, packs a suitcase.

The priest tells the fighter to take the holy water to the fighters and pour it into flasks.

The priest talks with the soldiers, correspondents and the commander.


Lisenko P. -- Priest, priest of the Tobolsk-Tyumen diocese, rector of the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos of the city of Ishim.




Omsk region

Army; Religion; Defense and internal security
Social life

Scene №3 242nd training center for junior specialists of the Airborne Forces

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242nd training center for training junior specialists of the Airborne Forces, shooting at the range.




Omsk region

Army; Military exercises and maneuvers; Defense and internal security

Scene №4 Meeting of the Defense Ministers of Russia and Turkey with journalists

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Meeting of Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov and Turkish Defense Minister with journalists.

Ranks of soldiers of the honor guard of the Turkish army.

The flag of Turkey is flying on the flagpole.

Ivanov S.B. and Mehmet Vedji (Vecdi) Genul (Genul) come out to the guard of honor.

Report of the chief of the Guard of Honor.

To the sounds of the orchestra, Ivanov and Genyul walk along the line of soldiers, banners in the foreground.

The Defense Ministers of Russia and Turkey are photographed in the ceremonial hall.

Cameramen with cameras in the hall.

Dictaphones on the table.

Press conference.

Ivanov and Genyul are making speeches about bilateral intergovernmental agreements on military cooperation, an agreement on preventing incidents at sea outside territorial waters and combating terrorism.

Ivanov S.B. speaks about the situation in Chechnya and the normalization of the situation in the republic.


Ivanov S.B. -- Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.
Mehmet Vecdi Gönül -- Turkish politician, Minister of Defense of Turkey.





Army; International military organizations
Defense and internal security

Scene №5 Veteran of the guerrilla movement Ekaterina Khromova, interview

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Veteran of the partisan movement Khromova Ekaterina Ivanovna, interview.yu

Khromova E.I. talks about serving during the war in a special purpose partisan regiment, tells about the life of a partisan detachment, living conditions, the formation of partisan detachments, Stalin's policy, women in the partisan movement, the Belarusian offensive operation, the reunion of partisans with the Red Army, the sons of the regiment and the help of the population to the partisans.

Close-up of medals and decorations.

Khromova E.I. talks about her orders and awards.



Army; World War II
Defense and internal security; History

Scene №6 Universal landing ship-helicopter carrier of the Mistral type

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A universal landing ship-helicopter carrier of the Mistral type.

Chemical protection suits on hangers indoors.

A French officer attaches an information sheet to the board.

Signs with inscriptions in French.

Bunk beds in the crew cabin.

A desk and a telephone on the wall in the cabin.

Toilet room.

A female officer walks down the corridor.

General view of the bunk beds in the crew cabin.

Cabin lighting control and a phone on the wall.

French naval officers in the corridor.

A stand with a diagram of the ship and a photo.

A stand with photos of the crew.

The gas mask is on the wall near the stairs.

Stairs down with handrails.

Two French sailors in caps and jackets.

A stand with photos of the crew.

City embankment.

Night shooting: a submarine and a helicopter carrier of the Mistral type at the pier.

View of the helicopter carrier at the pier, lights on the deck.





Fleet; Army
Defense and internal security

Scene №7 Platoon of airborne dog handlers in the kennel for the training of service dogs

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A platoon of airborne dog handlers in a kennel for training service dogs.

The kennel, the camera moves along the aviaries, the dogs eat from bowls.

The shepherd barks at the operator.

Soldiers at the training ground comb out dogs.

The instructor talks about the upbringing of a service dog named Khan, explains the cynological term "person involved" (a person who plays the role of a scoundrel during the training of service dogs to catch and detain criminals and border violators), what a cynological sleeve is, about the temperament of a dog, training to prepare dogs for patrolling.

The instructor continues to comb the dog, talks about the use of dog hair, shows the belt.

Soldiers comb out dogs.

The fighter comes out of the wooden building and walks across the yard.

Goats and chickens, evening milking and egg collection, soldiers (private and ensign Grigory Vasilyevich) talk about running a subsidiary farm.

Soldiers-instructors with dogs walk through the tall grass at the edge of the forest, line up, run into the forest on command.

Working out the search and detention of the violator in conditions close to combat (staged shooting with dubs at various stages of training).

After the arrest, the soldier in the suit of the person involved answers the correspondent's questions, tells about the specifics of his profession, about the role of the person involved as a psychologist in dog training, shares his impressions of work, shows the protection of the working hand (insert in the sleeve of the suit).

Shepherd's head close-up.

The legs of a fighter in sneakers.

The soldier tells about the behavior of dogs during training and about the character of Khan.



Army; Military exercises and maneuvers; Defense and internal security