
Film-document №102820 20 footages, Duration: 7:09:40 to collection Price category V
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Scene 1 0:21:07

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Scene №1 Airborne reconnaissance exercises in the field

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A group of scouts is walking through the forest.

The commander works with a map and compass, dictates the coordinates to the signalman.

Fighters with machine guns walk across the field, squat, aim.

Barbed wire.

Soldiers overcome a barbed wire fence.

Scouts with machine guns are lying in the grass.

The soldier anchors the "cat" on a rope, pulls it up to him.

Scouts are crawling in the grass, looking for mines, marking them with flags.

A cloud of smoke over the field.

"Stretching" in the grass.

Two fighters continue to search for mines.

Red smoke from a checker rises above the clearing.

Metal flag with the letter "M".

Soldiers are lying in the grass.

Signal checkers, red smoke.

A signalman with a machine gun in his hands.

Soldiers cut the barbed wire, crawl under it.



Army; Military exercises and maneuvers
Defense and internal security

Scene №2 Airborne scouts, night crossing of the river, part 1

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The soldiers undress, pack ammunition in bags, inflate various items to make the bags buoyant (rubber glove, boot from a set of RCBZ).

The sentinel takes up a post on the shore.

Soldiers enter the water, swim across the river, come ashore, pull out bags.

Soldiers are being built, calculated in the order of numbers.

The remaining fighters come out of the water, get out on the shore.



Army; Military exercises and maneuvers
Defense and internal security

Scene №3 Airborne scouts, night crossing of the river, part 2

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The fighters on the shore turn on the radio station, deploy the antenna.

The fighters come out of the water, take out bags of ammunition and weapons.



Army; Military exercises and maneuvers
Defense and internal security

Scene №4 Coastal mobile artillery complex A-222 "Coast", firing

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Landfill on the seashore.

MAK A-222 self-propelled artillery units are firing at targets in the sea.

View of targets in the sea and columns of water from explosions.

Four MAK A-222 guns fire alternately.

Explosions in the water near the targets.

Shots from a rapid-firing APC cannon.

A column of water from the explosion.

The combat crew is standing near the artillery installation.

On command, the soldiers take their places in the cabins of the A-222 MAC, close the doors.

The gunner rotates the guidance knob.

The commander talks with the crew on the radio.

Soldiers load the gun.

The machines of the IAC "Coast" under a camouflage net.



Army; Military exercises and maneuvers
Defense and internal security

Scene №5 Погранзастава в Кабардино-Балкарии

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Types of outpost "Upper Baksan".

Elevator-a lift with a cargo platform.

View of the mountains, the outpost and the road.

A watchtower and a brick fence.

Two-storey building.

A tower with satellite antennas, a watchtower nearby.

Panoramas of the outpost.

The flag of Russia on the flagpole.

Panoramas of mountains.

The water tower at the outpost building.

Satellite dishes.

Border post and monument.

A watchtower on the background of a mountain.

Colonel Knyazev Boris Viktorovich talks about the tasks of the border department of the FSB of Russia in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, housing conditions of border guards, equipment of personnel with modern weapons.

Knyazev B.V. congratulates the servicemen on the day of the border guard.


Knyazev B.V. - Deputy Head of the Border Department of the FSB of the Russian Federation for the Kabardino-Balkar Republic.




Kabardino-Balkar Republic

Defense and internal security

Scene №6 Kolomna Higher Artillery Command School

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The guide in the museum talks about the exhibits and the history of the school, shows the rocket of the Soviet 3M6 anti-tank complex "Bumblebee", talks about the use of the missile in combat conditions.

There is a 3M6 Bumblebee rocket on the stand.

Photos of officers-graduates of the school.

In the hall there is an 82-mm battalion mortar, a 120-mm regimental mortar, shells and shells on the stand.

Photographs and portraits of military leaders.

Stands with photos of "Russian-Japanese war", "Remember us, Russia".

On the carriage is a small cannon from the time of Peter I.

An old wooden crossbow.

An old cannon on wheels and a ship's cannon.

Guns in the courtyard of the school.

The territory and buildings of the school.

The Church of the Nativity of Christ.

View of the church building and checkpoint.

The main entrance.

The truck leaves the checkpoint gate.

Soldiers' winter hats are lying on a bench.

Memorial plaques.

In the church, the priest communicates with the cadets.

Cadet Domnu Rodion Mikhailovich talks about conversations with the priest.

In the training hall, cadets inspect military equipment (MLRS "Grad", armored personnel carriers, etc.).

Cadets, under the guidance of an officer, load the MLRS "Grad" and the anti-tank complex "Competition" based on the BRDM-2.

Cadets are preparing to fire a portable anti-tank missile system 9K111 "Fagot".

The teacher tells the cadets about the technical characteristics of the 9M27K "Hurricane" unguided rocket.

The shell in the section.

The head of the Department of Design, Design and Operation of the MLRS, Colonel Onishchenko Vitaly Grigoryevich, speaks about the study of the design and operation of missile systems.




Moscow region

Army; Military Education
Defense and internal security

Scene №7 Women's platoon of cadets of the Military Academy of the Peter the Great RVSN

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Female cadets at the shooting range.

Practice shooting from machine guns.

Inna Panteleeva from Bashkiria talks about the decision to study at the RVSN Academy, passing exams, attitude to military discipline, teachers of the academy, prospects for the future.

Rifle practice shooting.

Inna Panteleeva answers the correspondent's questions after the shooting.

The teacher of the Department of Management of the daily activities of the troops, Lieutenant Colonel Andrey Vladimirovich Golovachev, talks about the past classes, about the implementation of standards, reads out grades.

Golovachev A.V. talks about the schedule of classes and the fulfillment of tasks by cadets.

Classes at the training ground, imitation of combat operations.

At the end of the lesson, the colonel summarizes the results.

According to the regulations, the cadets say goodbye to the colonel, leave in two rows.

The deputy commander of the platoon of girls, cadet Nikiforov Yuri Alekseevich speaks about the attitude of girls to study.




Moscow region

Army; Military Education
Defense and internal security

Scene №8 Special purpose squad "Skif"

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Deputy commander of the first platoon of the second group of special forces Maxim Marlik talks about joining the squad, sports training, military service under contract.

Soldiers march through the territory of the unit.

The "Shooting Range" banner.

Training ground for service dogs.

Working out the detention of the violator in conditions close to combat (staged shooting with dubs at various stages of training).

Ensign of the squadron "Skif" cynologist-instructor Alexey Latynkin talks about the cynological service of the squad and the criteria for the selection of dogs.

Pavel Dudkin, a conscript from Pyatigorsk, talks about joining the detachment, school preparation for the army, higher education, service in the special forces detachment.

The squad commander, junior Sergeant Makhmudov Ramazan Isaevich, talks about serving in a special forces unit, helping recruits and the daily routine.

The sergeant demonstrates samples of special forces weapons: a special "Val" 6P30 submachine gun, a PP-93 submachine gun, a VSK-94 sniper rifle, lists technical characteristics.



Defense and internal security

Scene №9 Self-propelled mortar 2C4 "Tulip", firing

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Explosions in the forest, smoke.

Officers at the command post.

View of the forest and columns of smoke from explosions.

The officer listens to the radio, records the coordinates of the target.

Calculation near the mortar 2C4 "Tulip".

The ramrod of the barrel is lying on the ground.

An artillery mine in a box.

Charging the mortar.

"Tulip" shoots.

Reloading the mortar.

The officer looks through the scope.

The shot of the mortar "Tulip".

The crew is preparing another shot.

The mechanism starts the mine in the barrel.

A general view of the field and two Tulip mortars.

A flock of birds in the sky.

The barrel of the mortar rises up.



Army; Military exercises and maneuvers
Defense and internal security

Scene №10 Radio direction finding meteorological complex RPMK-1 "Smile"

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The operator at the computer console.

Monitor with numbers (system check).

The face of the computer operator.

Hands switch the toggle switches on the control panel.

Devices and modules with indicators.

The inscription on the monitor "enter the date".

The operator enters the data.

General view of the room.

A hardware machine with a locator.

The weather observer checks the readiness of meteorological instruments and equipment.

Soldiers are preparing equipment.

The commander talks on the radio.

A tent for filling shells with hydrogen.

The soldier pumps the probe with gas.

A probe filled with gas in a tent.

Cylinders with hydrogen.

The commander of the meteorological platoon, senior ensign Shamaev Andrey Alexandrovich, talks about machines, equipment, conducting complex atmospheric sounding for artillery.

A trailer with hydrogen cylinders and a tent for filling the shells.

Hardware machine.

The commander of the weather squad launches the probe.

The probe rises into the sky.



Army; Military exercises and maneuvers
Defense and internal security

Scene №11 Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A.V. Alexandrov

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RIA-Novosti, journalists are preparing for a press conference.

The presenter talks about holding events for the 125th anniversary of the founder of the ensemble Alexander Vasilyevich Alexandrov and the 80th anniversary of the ensemble.

The host introduces the guests: Malev Leonid Ivanovich, Alexandrov Evgeny Vladimirovich, Kudinov Viktor Grigorievich, Ananyev Vadim Petrovich, Dyakov Boris, Korobko Vyacheslav Alekseevich, Rayevsky Igor Ivanovich.

Alexandrov E.V. about the life and work of Alexandrov A.V.

Korobko V.A. about the upcoming concert on Red Square.

Kadinov V.G. on the phenomenon of the ensemble.

Raevsky I.I. about the tour of the ensemble and the soloist of the choir.

Ananyev V.P. sings the song "On a sunny meadow".

B. Dyakov sings a Neapolitan song.

Malev L.I. answers a journalist's question about the preparation of the Victory Day concert in Odessa.


Korobko V.A. - Artistic director and chief conductor of the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A.V. Alexandrov.
Malev L.I. - Head of the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A.V. Alexandrov.
Alexandrov E.V. - head of the archive and Museum of A.V. Alexandrov, grandson of A.V. Alexandrov.
Kudinov V.G. - Honored Artist of Russia, Chief Administrator of the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A.V. Alexandrov.
Ananyev V.P. is the leading soloist of the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A.V. Alexandrov.
Dyakov B. - soloist of the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Russian Army named after A.V. Alexandrov.
Raevsky I.I. - choirmaster, conductor, teacher, People's Artist of the RSFSR, colonel.





Army; Media
Defense and internal security; Social life

Scene №12 Sisterhood in the name of the Holy Prince Dimitri

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City Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after N.I. Pirogov, food hall.

In the kitchen, cooks prepare food, wash dishes.

The priest conducts the rite of consecration of the food hall.

A hole in the ceiling, wooden floor supports.

Wires, sockets, other electrical equipment, holes in the ceiling, garbage.

The administrator of the hospital Chernokhatskaya Valentina Grigoryevna talks about the work of the food department, the lenten menu for the clergy being treated, the lack of full-fledged funding, charitable assistance, the number of employees, the lack of necessary equipment and the need for repairs.

Cooks work in the kitchen.

Chernokhatskaya V.G. shows a room with a collapsed ceiling.





Religion; Social life

Scene №13 Interview with the head of the Border Department of the FSB of the Russian Federation in Primorsky Krai

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Lakiso Vladimir Ivanovich talks about the poaching activities of Chinese citizens in Russia.

The main topics of the interview: Chinese poachers crossing the border to collect ginseng root, fern, hunting rare animals; cooperation with Chinese border guards to combat poachers; poaching with the use of pesticides; removal of bear paws from smugglers.

Lakizo V.I. talks about border guards, contract employees, social benefits for military personnel, improvement of living conditions at border outposts.

Landlines, souvenir globe.

A plaque with an inscription in English.


Lakizo V.I. - Head of the Border Department of the FSB of Russia in Primorsky Krai, Lieutenant General.




Primorsky Krai

Defense and internal security

Scene №14 Museum of the Krainov Outpost F.E.

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There is a sign on the museum stand with a list of equipment of the border violator.

Items confiscated from Chinese poachers: nets, a flashlight, a knife, a toxic chemical, an electric rod, a mallet, a cedar cone, an axe, a saw, etc.

Traps for large animals, fishing nets on the floor.

Poachers' tents, kitchen utensils, wicker snowmobiles.

The commandant of the border commandant's office, Lieutenant Colonel Vyacheslav Tikhonovich Selyutin, talks about Chinese poachers crossing the border to collect ginseng root and hunt rare animals, shows seized nets, an electric drum generator, a cedar mallet, talks about the use of pesticides.




Primorsky Krai

Defense and internal security

Scene №15 Border outpost on the Russian-Chinese border

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Border outpost.

Sergeant Shapovalov Andrey Nikolaevich talks about contract service, about life in the border zone.

Patrolling the border with a dog.

The patrol is following in the footsteps of the intruder.

Detention of the violator.

The border guards and the person involved are walking through the forest, next to a dog.

Working out the detention of the violator in conditions close to combat (staged shooting with dubs at various stages of training).

Observation tower.

Panoramas of mountains.

Junior sergeant, senior driver Danilov Sergey Nikolaevich talks about contract service, family life in the border zone.

Brothers Anton Evgenievich and Egor Evgenievich Alyoshin from Ulyanovsk talk about contract service, salaries and additional benefits.

The watchtower.

Barbed wire, shrubbery (change of focus).

Barbed wire fence.

Junior Sergeant Danilov S. at home, with his wife Evdokia and son Alexander.

Danilova Evdokia shows the apartment, living conditions.

A line of soldiers in front of the building of the unit.

Commanders give tasks to calculations.

Two puppies are playing in the grass.

View of the building of the part and the border post.

The border guards come out on the porch.

Danilova E. with her friend and son walk along the building.




Primorsky Krai

Defense and internal security

Scene №16 Special purpose squad "Skif" on exercises

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Fighters with weapons are walking on the water.

The commando is lying on the ground.

Overcoming the obstacle course.

Shooting from a machine gun into the hole of the pipe.

Soldiers are moving in a trench, crawling under barbed wire.

A fighter with a machine gun runs along the trench, there are observers on the parapet.

The soldier runs out of the car body model, does a somersault over his head.



Army; Military exercises and maneuvers
Defense and internal security

Scene №17 Pereslavl-Zalessky, Nikitsky Monastery and Pleshcheyevo Lake

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View of the Nikitsky Monastery.

Index "The Source of St.


Natural landscape (field, country roads).

View of the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin in the village of Gorodishche.

Panoramas: Nikitsky monastery, field, lake.

The cross on Alexandrov Hill in memory of the monastery of Prince Alexander Nevsky.

Panorama of Pleshcheyev Lake.

Transfocator panoramic departure from the Nikitsky Monastery to the field and the church.

The index "The settlement of Kleshchino".

Paved road.

View from the shore of the lake to the Nikitsky Monastery.

Views of the lake from different points.

Waves are beating on the shore.

Pointer "Blue stone".

Ribbons on the branches of the shrub, tied by tourists.

Blue stone on the shore of the lake.

Panorama: bushes with ribbons, a field, a stone.

Circular panorama of a field with yellow flowers.

Pine forest.




Yaroslavl region

Russian cities and regions
Towns and countries; Geography and Nature

Scene №18 Graduation of officers of the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School

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Graduates of the school in full dress uniform march along the parade ground with a song.

Relatives of graduates watch the parade, take pictures.

A brass band is playing.

Cadets-paratroopers sing, march.

Girls with video cameras.

Paratroopers sing the anthem of the school and the anthem of Russia.

Balloons with a banner "Ryazan is the capital of the Airborne Forces".

The Colonel-General on the podium salutes.


The faces of the singing cadets.

Cadets are marching on the parade ground.

Brass band musicians.

Graduate lieutenants communicate with relatives, accept congratulations.

Lieutenant Shcherbakov Nikolai Alexandrovich talks about the upcoming service in the GRU special forces and hot spots.

Shcherbakov Alexander Nikolaevich, the father of the graduate, talks about his military sons.

The mother of one of the cadets is leafing through a photo album.

The director of the school museum talks about the graduate.

Lieutenant Andrey Kudryavtsev talks about the distribution to the 51st Parachute Regiment in Tula, where he dreamed of getting.

A carnation in the hands of a graduate.

The graduate writes wishes to the cadet on the bill.

Lieutenant Solovyov Dmitry Vladimirovich talks about the tradition of signing banknotes, distribution to the 76th Guards Airborne Division of Pskov.

Lieutenant Colonel Solovyov Vladimir Nikolaevich and his wife talk about their amphibious past and about their sons.

The lieutenant's fiancee says that she is the daughter of an officer, is not afraid of difficulties and is ready to be a military wife.

Solovyov D.V. writes wishes to the cadet on the bill.

Graduates communicate with relatives, accept congratulations.

The head of the communications department, Colonel Bazhanov Vladimir Pavlovich, holds the diploma of his son Evgeny in his hands, says that their family is hereditary military.

Lieutenant Bazhanov Evgeny Vladimirovich about admission to college, distribution to the 76th Guards Airborne Division of Pskov, his father's service in Afghanistan.

The lieutenant's father talks about the traditions of the family and the protection of the Motherland.

Lieutenant Bazhanov E.V. thanks his parents for their support.

A girl in a lieutenant's cap and tunic, with bouquets in her hands.

Three graduates are photographed.

The faces of the lieutenants.

Relatives are looking through a book about the school.

The graduate writes wishes to the cadet on the bill.

The lieutenant is talking to a girl in a tunic.

Parents are watching a graduate diploma.

The Shcherbakov family with a book and a diploma.

Nikolai Shcherbakov talks about graduation, fellow students, years of study.

Parachutists in the sky.

Parachutists land in the courtyard of the school.

The graduate writes wishes to the cadet on the bill.

Lieutenant Viktor Kirichenko talks about the day of graduation, fellow students, years of study, distribution to the 7th Guards Airborne Assault Division in Novorossiysk, the desire to serve in hot spots.




Ryazan region

Army; Military Education
Defense and internal security

Scene №19 9K79 "Tochka" missile system, preparation for launch

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Signalman with flags.

The 9T218 transport-loading vehicle pulls into a combat position.

Transfer of the rocket to the launcher using a crane.

The crew covers the rocket with a tarpaulin.

Major General Frolov Nikolay Alekseevich about tactical exercises of rocket men and gunners.

Working out the preparation of the rocket for launch.

The head of the launcher calculation, Alexander Meshkov, gives commands to launch the rocket.

The rocket man looks into the optical device, reports on the missile guidance.

The commander gives the command "Start is allowed", the hand turns the key on the panel labeled "Start", presses the button.


Frolov N.A. -- Major General, Doctor of Military Sciences, Professor, Head of the rocket forces and Artillery of the Moscow Military District.



Army; Military exercises and maneuvers
Defense and internal security

Scene №20 Girl cadet with RPG-7B

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Two girls in a trench, one with a grenade launcher.

A cadet looks through the sight of an RPG-7B anti-tank rocket launcher.



Army; Military exercises and maneuvers
Defense and internal security