debriefing (2022 № 8 ) How remote sensing satellites help the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Film-document №103022 1 part, Duration: 0:37:29 to collection Price category V4
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:37:30

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Producer Studio Roscosmos

Anchorperson: Sergej Tyurin

Reel №1

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In recent years, due to the increase in the number of extreme meteorological phenomena potentially related to climate change and the impact of natural disasters on the environment, more and more attention has been paid to the operational use of satellite data of remote sensing of the Earth (remote sensing).

This allows you to see a more complete picture of what is happening and better navigate in emergency situations, including using geographic information systems (GIS).

The issue is dedicated to remote sensing of the Earth in crisis and emergency situations.

The guests of the program are Alexander Rebri, Sergey Kalugin and Elena Natarova.


Rebri A.V. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Director of the Center for Geodesy, Cartography and IPD, Head of the Scientific Center for Operational Monitoring of the Earth of the RKS Holding.
Kalugin S.A. - Deputy Head of the Main Department "National Crisis Management Center" of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.
E.V. Natarova - Marketing Director of Terra Tech JSC.



Space; Space programs