debriefing (2022 № 11 ) Hydrogen-powered rockets. The time has come

Film-document №103025 1 part, Duration: 0:31:57 to collection Price category V4
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:31:58

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Producer Studio Roscosmos

Anchorperson: Nikolaj Marchenko

Reel №1

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In 2022, Roscosmos and Rosatom signed an agreement on the supply of hydrogen for the Vostochny cosmodrome, where a space rocket complex for Angara family rockets is being created.

The agreement includes the Angara-A5 with the third hydrogen stage and with the KVTC hydrogen upper stage.

China and India are currently using hydrogen-oxygen-powered rockets in the world, and after a 10-year break, the United States is preparing to launch a superheavy rocket using the same fuel.

Whether Russia should return to this idea, what difficulties are expected, what needs to be done to overcome them so that the use of hydrogen in rocket technology becomes profitable for the entire Russian industry - these and other issues of Russia's return to the use of hydrogen fuel are discussed in the next issue of the program.

The guests of the program are Miron Borgulev, Dmitry Pena, Andrey Ionin and scientific journalist Alexander Baulin.


Borgulev M.V. - Head of the direction of the private institution "Science and Innovation" of the State Corporation "Roscosmos".
D.V. Pena is the chief designer of the complex of hydrogen-oxygen upper stages and advanced products of the Khrunichev State Research and Development Center.
Ionin A.G. - Candidate of Technical Sciences, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky, chief analyst of the Association "Digital Transport and Logistics".



Space; Space programs