Kinopravda No. 18. (1924)

Film-document №103661 1 part, Duration: 0:07:49 to collection Price category G
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  • 1
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:07:49

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Vertov D.

Reel №1

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An open-top car rides through the streets of Moscow, the audience welcomes the participants of the Petrograd-Moscow rally.

Fabrics in the shop window.

Passers-by at the window of the Vera store.

People study the movie poster.

Dramatization of the process of personality formation under socialism: a mother passes a child to a pioneer, a pioneer to a Komsomol member, a Komsomol member to a communist.

A new multi-storey building for workers, communist slogans on the facade of the house.

Workers in the mine are hammering the rock with picks.

Peasants ride in a tram.

Tourists inspect the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition.

A turner is working behind the machine.

