Pioneerhood 1966 № 6

Film-document №11735 1 part, Duration: 0:09:53, Black-white to collection Price category C
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:52

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Kozhevnikova R.

Operators: Akkuratov E., Serov G., Mukhin E., Shtatland V., Tumorina R., Lebedev O., Istomin A.


Issue devoted to the anniversary, 5000 th issue of the newspaper "Pioneer truth".

Media | Childhood and youth

Social life

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Moscow Printing, on the conveyor anniversary edition of the newspaper "Pioneer truth".

Flipping the anniversary, the 5000 number: headlines, articles, photos.

Pioneers in the Horn trumpet (synchronously).

Pioneers parade on Red Square.

Over an area of sound pioneer oath (the voice of the frame).

Pioneers stand at attention with banners.

On the podium of the Mausoleum Party and Komsomol functionaries.

Pioneers marching on the area.

Builds are pioneers with sheepdogs.

Pioneers dancing in the square.

Machines with banners, Octobrists in the car.

Theatrical performance of the pioneers in uniform fire.

Functionaries on the podium applauding.

On Red Square are the pioneers of the column with balloons, banners, placards.

Articles in the "Pioneer truth" about nature.

Letters to the Editor of the newspaper.

Krasnodar region, village Yaroslavl.

Summer, stanitsa landscapes: the horse in the meadow, the cow cross the river, the children chase the geese.

Boy repairing the fence and Agricultural machinery.

School children on vacation working in the studio for the machines.

Tractor "The Kid", designed by schoolchildren.

Boys experience a tractor in the school garden, in a cornfield.

Children in the field agronomist make soil samples.

Girls working on livestock farms.

Children visiting the village from the hill.

The headline in the newspaper "The club scouts science" Golden Key ".

Scuba divers exploring the underwater world.

Sevastopol aquarium, children watching fish, turtles.

Scientists with children on the ship's deck.

Scuba divers exploring the seabed, collect seaweed.

Scientists in the laboratory study algae.

Article in the newspaper "Pioneer truth".

Pioneers from Chelyabinsk with the album "The Story of a tank."

Photos tankers.

Newsreel 1945 .: Soviet tanks in Berlin.

Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod), the factory "Red Sormovo".

Meeting of former tank (tank crew number 422).

Veterans tankers surrounded by pioneers.

Monument tank № 422. Pioneers at the monument to veterans applauded.

Pioneers with a small model of the legendary tank.

Veterans and Pioneers photographed against the backdrop of the tank.

The newspaper "Pioneer truth".




Krasnodar region
Nizhny Novgorod