Moscow 1973 № 5 Moscow Scientific

Film-document №12737 1 part, Duration: 0:09:32 to collection Price category A
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Part 1 0:09:16

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Skitovich V.

Script writers: Zubkov B.

Operators: Tsitron V.

Anouncers: Khlebnikov A.


On the largest scientific centers of Moscow.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Moscow: a view of the Kremlin and the bridge over the Moscow River - LS. from the top of the (summer)

People walk down the street, go up the stairs - LS.

Sculpture Space Monument - MS., PNRM. by Monument

People entering the building, PNRM. for PDP "Academy of Social Sciences in Moscow» - MS.

People in front of the Academy of Medical Sciences - LS., Hitting the NDP

Institute building "Hydroproject» - LS.

PNRM. the building with the NDP "Scientific Research Institute of Economics» - MS.

People are building institutions with glass doors - LS.

A sign on the building of the "Institute of Radio» - CU.

The Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, passing cars, people get into the building - LS.

People climb the stairs in the building of the Academy of Sciences - LS.

Lenin Prize winners, Nobel Prize and the State Prize, the heroes of Soc.

Labor: Prof.

NG Bass, Academician AP Vinogradov, President of the USSR Mikhail Keldysh, academics, VA Ambartsumian, AA Blagonravov VM Prokhorov, PS Alexandrov, NN Semenov, GK Scriabin, LI Sedov, II Artobolevsky - CU., MS.

Talking academics - MS., LS.

The sun's rays shine through the leaves - LS.

Mirror device, radar - MS.

Scientist at the device - CU., Departure.

PNRM. from the clouds to the antenna building the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation (IZMIRAN) - MS.

Laboratory - the station vertical sounding of the atmosphere - MS ..


Hand draws a graph - CU.

Women at work in the lab - MS.

Solar prominences - LS.

The device with a screen - CU.

Tree, clouds, dome - MS.

Laboratory of the Institute of Biochemistry.

Vernadsky (flasks, test tubes) - LS., Hitting, MS.

Technician at work - CU.

Hand tongs pulls plaque - CU.

Plate - CU.

Academician Aleksandr Pavlovich Vinogradov, director of the institute, with a student at the instruments - MS., CU ..


Laboratory technicians at work - MS., CU.

Devices - MS., PNRM.

Earth ground on the line - MS.

Hands in rubber gloves, forceps removed from the tube bottom - CU.

Unique installation MHD (magnetohydrodynamic generator) at the Institute for High Temperatures of the USSR - LS., PNRM.

Employees at work - MS., CU.

Man in headphones - MS.

A poster on the "Solutions 24 Party Congress - to life» - LS.

Control unit - LS., CU., PNRM.

Men behind the panel, said on the intercom - MS.

Stopwatch - CU.

Plasma - CU., Hitting

The man in front of TV screen - MS.

Supervisors, including the chairman of the State Committee on Science and Technology under the USSR, Academician Vladimir Kirillin - MS., PNRM.

People at the helm - LS.

PNRM. with the lights on the face of the young man - MS., CU.

World's most powerful maser in the laboratory of quantum radio Lenin Order of the Lebedev Physics Institute - CU., MS., PNRM.

Instruments in the laboratory - are different.

The lights go out - MS.

NDP flashes "Do not enter» - CU.

Remote generator control - MS., PNRM., LS.

The outbreak in the vacuum chamber - CU.

Hands plucked film and pictures of experience - CU., PNRM.

Laboratory Manager, Lenin and Nobel Prizes, Academician Nikolai G. Basov talks with a group of men - MS., CU.

Rotate colored crystals - natural and artificial - CU.

Flask with liquid crystals - CU.

The hand on the plate - CU.

Hands with a microscope - CU ..

PNRM. on the woman's face

Laboratory of the Institute of Crystallography of the USSR - LS.

Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences Leonard Kazimirovich Vistin flat screen sets, consisting of liquid crystals - CU., MS.

Man turns on the device - LS.

A man and a woman in front of a microscope - MS.

The building of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism in the Soviet area - LS. (Summer)

Monument VI Lenin in a park at the Institute - MS., CU.

Photo: Lenin read a newspaper - on a shelf of books in the reading room IMELa - MS., Departure, PNRM. the hall

Persons readers - CU.

Hands skim - CU.

A folder with the document of Lenin - CU.

The woman opens the folder - CU.

Lenin's manuscript - MS.

Woman writes - MS., PNRM.

Reading room IMEL - MS., LS.

Spire of MSU in the Lenin Hills - LS. (A lilac bush)

University building - LS.

Students in the classroom - CU., PNRM. the audience

Laboratory of the Department of Low Temperature Physics - MS., PNRM.

Hands plucked photos experiment - CU.

Students and teachers - MS.

Architects GIPRONII have layouts and designs - LS., MS., PNRM., Among them the director of the Institute Boris Savelyev

The hands of the architect on the sketch - MS.

Drawings, PNRM. the woman at the Kuhlmann - CU.

Girl-designer - CU.

KB, the people at the drawing boards - LS.

Layouts: biological town Paleontological Museum, the Center for Agricultural Science in Siberia, USSR - different.

The author of the project of the USSR Yevgeny Petrovich Antonov layout is - MS., CU.

People at the control layout, installation, PNRM. on jets of water - LS., CU.

Different plans: Laboratories, people in white coats, a scientist at the telescope, hand in rubber glove tube opens, a woman looks through a microscope, the girl down the stairs (you can see the pipe installation), the man at the helm

Square Cosmonauts Alley, away visible Space Monument - LS.