Soviet Sport 1975 № 1 Towards the Games. Absolute champion. Young Dynamo. For the prize of "Nouvelle de Mosca".

Film-document №12973 1 part, Duration: 0:10:20, Black-white to collection Price category A
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Part 1 0:10:21

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Oshurkov M.

Operators: Makarov V., Leongardt U., Petrosov R., Bochkov R., Zababurin V., Kudryashov V., Kuzminskiy S.


1. Preparing athletes for the Games of the Novosibirsk Soviet peoples. 2. The final meeting of the boxers on the title of Absolute Champion of the USSR. 3. Team "Young Dynamo - 40 years. 4. Traditional international tournament on figure skating for the prize of "Nouvelles de Mosca".

Temporary description

1 syuzh. Winter landscape of the forest. Training skiers Novosibirsk society "Spartacus." Trampoline. Biathlon. 2 syuzh. The building of the Moscow Circus. The final meeting of the boxers for the prize of the newspaper "Week". Awarding the prize. 3 syuzh. 40 years of collective "Junior Dynamo. Meeting old Dinamo. Prizes. Coach BN Astaf'ev teaches classes in the gym. Steeplechase. Coach Filippov in the classroom with children in the pool. Ran cross-country skiers. 4 syuzh. International figure skating tournament for the prize of the newspaper "Les Nouvelles de Moscou." Tancujut I. Rodnina and Alexander Zaitsev, Katya and Knut Schubert (GDR), T. Cranston (Canada), LA Pakhomov, and AV Gorshkov. Awarding of prizes.

Reel №1

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1. Winter landscape of the forest.

Training skiers Novosibirsk company "Spartacus" - athletes while jogging, on the ski slope.

The new trampoline for jumping on skis.

Skiers jumping from a springboard - different plans.

Biathlon Training - sportsmen shoot at targets, running on skis.

Closeups of persons athletes.

2. The building of the Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard.

The audience applauded.

The final meeting of the boxers for the title of absolute champion of the Soviet Union - in the ring and out boxers I.Vysotsky E.Gorstkov.

The referee enters the ring.

Athletes preparing for battle.

At the table sat the judges, among them - Chief Justice of the meeting, the absolute champion of the country in 1939 V.Mihaylov.

Strike the gong.

The moment of the battle, Vysotsky was knocked down.

The break between rounds - and the coaches B.Gitman Yu.

Brazhnikov give advice to athletes, their fans the towels.

The moments of the battle of the second round.

The referee stops the fight, is considering an eyebrow I.Vysotskogo dissected.

Chief Justice observes V.Mihaylov.

Read the press photographers.

The referee raises his hand E.Gorstkova, which awarded the victory to end the fight.

Athletes shake hands.

E.Gorstkovu handed the prize - a crystal cup.

3. Panorama prizes for the club "Dynamo Junior."

Meeting veterans - Dynamo, who started his way in the sections of the club.

Kids and sports veterans treated prizes won by Dinamo - pupils of the first in our country, children's and youth sports school.

Honored coach of the classroom section B.N.Asafev gym talking to a young coach.

Children perform various gymnastic exercises.

In the Winter Riding School of Young Pioneers Stadium trained athletes.

Looks a coach, a youth member fulfills run hurdles.


Swimming pool - children swimming.

Coach T.Filippova instructs children.

Guys jumping into the water with the thumbs, swim.

Ski Lessons section: guys lubricated wear skis.

The girls pass rate on the icon TRP.

Run, run skiers.

4. Spectators in the stands of the Moscow Sports Palace, where the competition for the prize of the skaters of the newspaper "Nouvelles de Moscou."

Applaud the audience and judges.

With the short program are the Soviet figure skaters and I.Rodnina A.Zaytsev.

Coach T.Tarasova watching the performance.

Sporting a pair of stands from the GDR - Katja and Knut Schubert.

Non-competitive performance of Canadian athletes T.Krenstona.

Applauding spectators.

On ice and emerge L.Pahomova Gorshkov.

A fragment of speech Gorshkov and Pakhomova.

Presentation of prizes to the winners - "Crystal Skate" L.Pahomovoy handed.

Competitors perform a lap of honor.