Soviet Sport 1975 № 4 The record starts. With compass and map. Sports day is sweeping the country.

Film-document №12976 1 part, Duration: 0:10:11, Black-white to collection Price category A
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Part 1 0:10:12

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Pyetyers T.

Operators: Goncharov A., Petrosov R., Zababurin V., Kudryashov V., Lebedev O., Pogosyants V., Salimov D.


1. The record starts skaters. 2. USSR championship in orienteering. 3. Connick Abkhazia is ready to Sports Day of the USSR. 4. Preparations for the Games of the Soviet peoples cyclists and archers Turkmenistan. 5. Sports day peoples of the USSR - boxing competitions.

Temporary description

1 syuzh. Rink Medeo. Snow machines in the rink. Skating competitions. Athletes give autographs. 2 syuzh. Winter stadium in Kavgolovo. Orienteering. Skiers on the road, at a checkpoint. 3 syuzh. Sixth summer Sports of the USSR. Equestrian in Abkhazia. Coaching cyclists Turkmenistan, Turkmen archers in Ashgabat. The parade of athletes, raising the flag in Tashkent. Boxing in Tashkent Palace of Sports. Awarding the prize.

Reel №1

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1. Skating rink Medeo removed from the top point.

Snow machines clean the ice.

Panorama of the rink.

Skaters before the competition.

Spectators in the grandstands rink.

Starts skater.

A judge at a distance, the judge with a stopwatch in hand.

Athlete at a distance.

Konkobezhka T. Averina gives autographs.

The judge at the start, starts T. Averin.

Illuminated display with the results of the race.

Finishes T. Averin.

T. Averin (1 seat) and L. Savchikova (2) on the podium.

Workers clean the ice rink from the snow.

Ready to start a man - skaters.

Start, go the distance, and Yu V. Varlakov Kondakov.

V. Varlamov finish.

Yu Kondakov with the coach after the race.

Starts, goes the distance, finishing world record EN Kulikov.

Athletes congratulate E. Kulikova with a victory.

The audience applauded standing.

E. Kulikov gives autographs.

2. Winter Stadium in Kavgolovo.

Athletes preparing to compete in orienteering - lubricate ski, see the map.

Map and compass in the hands of the athlete.

Athletes pass route; mark on a map the location of checkpoints; reconcile their compass direction.

Skier approaches the checkpoint.

Athletes at a checkpoint.

Table with the results.

Winners: radio engineer Z. Pyatakova; teacher M. Oyandu; engineer S. Kurchenkova; soldier V. Liepins.

3. Preparation of Abkhazia to the Games of the horsemen of the USSR - riders on horses are jumping the track: overcoming obstacles and a moat.

Team coach, master of sports D. Khoperia oversees training of athletes, give instructions.

4. National team of Turkmenistan cyclists in training - the athletes are passing on the highway, listening to instructions coach Alexander Kalugin.

Stand Archers team of Turkmenistan.

Hand nock; athletes in archery.

The coach gives advice to the athlete.

Shoot the archers.

5. Boxing competitions in Tashkent Palace of Sport, which took place in the Games of the peoples of the USSR devoted to the 30 th anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War - the flag-raising ceremony, parade of athletes, boxers in the ring.

The coach gives instructions boxer.

The referee in the ring.

Moments of the battle between the Ukrainian boxer Vladimir filling and a boxer from Armenia S. Duryanom.

Durian congratulates S. B. Backfill with the victory.

Moments of the battle between the Olympic champion, a boxer from Moscow, Vladimir Sokolov, and AA Avetisyan of Armenia.

The battle between the champions and W. R. Riskievym Lemesheva.

The winner sports contest B. Risks at the podium.

Presentation Cup championship team for the athletes of the Russian Federation.