Soviet Sport 1975 № 5 Athletes - Victory Day.

Film-document №12977 2 parts, Duration: 0:16:47 to collection Price category A
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Movie 0:16:47

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Venzher I.

Operators: Voroncov V., Goncharov L., Gorbatskiy V., Gorbunov V., Kolobrodov A., Lebedev O., Petrosov R.

Text writers: Babkin V.


Special Issue newsreel about a sports festival in the Luzhniki Stadium, dedicated to Victory Day and the opening of the second Games of the Soviet peoples.

Temporary description

1h. Celebration at the Grand Arena of the Central Stadium. Lenin in Moscow on 30-year anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War and the opening of the 6 th summer sports days of the USSR. Bugler. Bearer. Spectators. Armored personnel carriers. Soldiers. Laying wreaths at the grave of the Unknown Soldier. Eternal flame. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Torch. Fire sports days. 2h. Stellar relay. Speech by President of the sports committee of the USSR S. Pile. Flag of sports and athletics. Marathon run "Moscow-Berlin". Children performing on stage. Speech athletes society "Labor Reserves, students of the Institute of Physical Education. Motorcycles with flags and portraits of members of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU.

Reel №1

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Panorama of the stands of the Central Lenin Stadium.

The match tolerate red flag; buglers blow.

The parade of athletes at the stadium - different plans.

The audience is applauding.

Theatrical performance at the stadium: passing tanks are soldiers (background song "Arise, great country"); soldiers fleeing the attack, hoisting the banner of Victory; fireworks; jubilant soldiers.

The stadium passing cars.

In the ranks are soldiers, sailors.

The stadium stand up to honor those who died during the Great Patriotic War.

Are the kneeling soldiers.

In the stadium by car transports wreath.

Athletes lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier near the Kremlin Wall.

World War II veteran of the eternal flame lights the torch of sport.

Sports veterans - World War II veterans pass through the stadium.

The stadium passing motorcade and military equipment.

World War II veteran passed the torch to Olympic champion V.Borzovu.

Borzov lights the fire of sport.

Spectator stands, a man looks through binoculars.

Games of the fire is burning.

The stadium passing armored vehicles and cars with veterans.

Chairman of the Sports Committee of the USSR Pavlov read the greeting of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Soviet government.

Games of the flag-raising ceremony.

Go to the stadium marathon runners, marathon run start "Moscow - Berlin."

Parade of participants in sports and athletics.

Athletes are the banners of various sports associations.

Performances of young athletes.

Performance of athletes society "labor reserve", students of the Institute of Physical Education.

Watching, applauding audience.

The stadium on a motorcycle transports flags with portraits of members of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party.

Movie №0

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