Pioneerhood 1980 № 1

Film-document №13705 1 part, Duration: 0:09:24, Black-white to collection Price category C
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Part 1 0:09:15

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Khoryakov A.

Operators: Burcev V., Gutman A.

Text writers: Sluckaya G.


Issue devoted to the 110th anniversary of Lenin's birth and tells about the affairs of the pioneering groups of Leningrad, dedicated to this date.

Childhood and youth | Society, social activities and community organizations | Anniversaries

Social life

Reel №1

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By the 110th anniversary of Lenin's birth.

Leningrad, a monument to Peter I, Peter and Paul Fortress.

The building and the sign of the newspaper "Lenin sparks".

Pioneers of journalists at a meeting with the chief editor.

Article children correspondent in the newspaper.

The printer of the newspaper "Lenin sparks".

Lenin's Museum 450th school Zelenograd district.

Octobrists in the museum listen pioneers guides.

Photos, documents on the stands.

Stand "Lenin's place on the Karelian Isthmus."

Winter lake shore spill, hut Lenin.

Children listen to a guide in the hut.

Typography, printing press works.

Article in the newspaper about friendship.

Pioneers of Leningrad.

A meeting of Soviet and Finnish pioneers of Turku.

Children socialize, dance, sing, play.

International Club 232nd School of Leningrad.

Children sing a song, "If life is fun, do so" in Finnish (synchronously).

Article in the newspaper about the skiers.

Training class 483rd School of Leningrad.

Students in class at their desks.

Pupils skiing on sports base.

Pupils with skis climb on the trampoline, jump from a springboard.

Article in the newspaper "Step to the dream."

Young Sailors Club "Admiralteets."

The boys are working on the machine code.

Construction of young sailors in the club, raise the flag.

Oath on the bench.

Child care is a sailor Oleg Zakharov.

Boy with signal flags.

Children learn Morse code.

Boys talk with the head of the club VV Gudyukom and young midshipman and cadets.

Boys on tour at the shipyard.

Shipwrights build a ship welder works.

Young sailors are sent to an educational voyage by boat.

Boys in the engine room.

The boy on the deck with signal flags.

Winter, boat sails along the Neva River, the boys on the deck.



