Pioneerhood 1982 № 6 Pioneer oath correct!

Film-document №13986 1 part, Duration: 0:10:08, Black-white to collection Price category C
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:57

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Akkuratov E.

Operators: Akkuratov E., Lebedev A., Izvekov V., Cherkasov S., Ivlev U., Gorbatskiy V., Skachkov I., Sokolnikov L.


Ceremonial parade on Red Square on the 60th anniversary of the Pioneer organization.

Childhood and youth | Society, social activities and community organizations

Social life

Reel №1

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May 19, 1982.

Red Square parade for the 60th anniversary of the Pioneer organization.

On the podium of the Mausoleum members of the Politburo V.V.Grishin, Konstantin Chernenko, party and Komsomol leaders, veterans.

Pioneer troops with banners marching past the Mausoleum.

Pioneers saluted.

Voice of master of ceremonies spreads over an area (behind the scenes).

Awarding Pioneer Organization memorable banner Komsomol.

Pioneer accepts banner, kisses him.

Newsreel 1922: The first pioneer team, children marching with a banner and drum; Photo Komsomolets Michael Stremyakova, organized the first pioneer team;

boy wrote application for pioneers; children tie ties; Pioneer detachment step; Pioneers saluted; Newsreel 1924: The first parade of pioneers on Red Square.

On the podium Bolshevik Felix Cohn, children listen; Pioneers marching on Red Square.

Portrait of Lenin.

Children carry a basket of flowers at the Mausoleum.

The first secretary of the Komsomol B.N.Pastuhov read an appeal to the pioneers of the General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev (synchronously).

Children in national costumes in the square.

Children in the pioneering form of red forage caps and ties.

Pioneer troops with banners.

Newsreel 20-ies: the procession of pioneers; pioneers with the letters of the alphabet; teacher distributes books to children;

Pioneers with placards against drunkenness, a pioneer smashes a bottle of vodka; Pioneer campaigning children; pioneers with drums.

Newsreel 30-ies: timurovtsi floating on the river in a boat, landed on the shore, unload firewood;

book with a portrait of Arkady Gaidar.

Marching on Red Square counselors, members of the Komsomol, the pioneers, the detachment of young sailors.

Newsreel of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945: Pioneers on the front.

Portrait of a pioneer-hero Oleg Koshevogo; pioneer Konstantin Kravchuk receives award for saving the regimental banner; portraits of pioneer heroes Zina Portnova, Leni Golikova, Wali Kitty, Marat Kase.

Pioneers in Red Square says a word of thanks to Leonid Brezhnev, the party and Komsomol (synchronously).

Pioneers cry: "Glory!

Glory! "And applauding.

Pioneers marching columns on the area.

Woman gives veteran pioneer salute.

Veterans of the party and the labor of children in the square.

Yuri Gagarin's mother Anna Matveeva Timofeevna the square.

Photo Gagarin.

Performance of the pioneers in Red Square.

Pioneers built in figures gymnast in bathing suits.

Children in national costumes lead dances.

Columns pioneers with red flags, banners go area.

Pioneers behind the podium recite the oath (synchronously).

Children are chanting in unison: "Always ready!".

Banner for the 60th anniversary of the Pioneer organization.


Konstantin Chernenko
AT Matveev


1920s 1930s 1941-1945

