Soviet Sport 1984 № 2 Quick Medeo ice. Musketeers 20 th century. The force of attraction.

Film-document №14223 1 part, Duration: 0:09:45, Black-white to collection Price category A
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:45

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Zhukovskaya I.

Operators: Panin A.Artseulov O. Levenberg M., Petros, R., A. Voinov, A. Kulidzhanov,


1. European Championships in speed skating for women. 2. 12th International traditional tournament "Moscow Sabre." 3. Rescuers-skiers.

Temporary description

1syuzh. - European Championship speed skating women in highland Medeu near Alma-Ata, race participants; award winners. Chronicle staff World Cup Speed Skating Championships in Turku in 1948, winner-Soviet konkobezhka MG Isakov. 2syuzh. -12-th traditional tournament "Moscow's saber: duels. Coach fencers - World champion and Olympic Games AI Zabelina with apprentices in training, tells about the fencing sport (sinhr.). 3syuzh. - Work Elbrus mountain rescue: helping skiers, vacation in the mountains. Skydivers skiing down the mountain, flying over the mountains.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

1. Skating rink Medeo.


Competitors in the workout.

Ready to start an athlete from East Germany Gabi Schönbrunn and Soviet athlete V. Lalenkova.

Konkobezhki at a distance.

At the podium watching the competitions former konkobezhka M. Isakov.

Newsreel 1948goda:

FIFA World Cup Speed Skating - on a distance M. Saks.

M. Isakov, on the podium.

The machine cleans the rink.

Konkobezhki at a distance.

B. Lalenkova runs.

G. Schönbrunn at a distance.

G. Schönbrunn on the podium handed a laurel wreath.

Applauding audience.

M. Isakov congratulates G. Schönbrunn.

2. Fragment of competition in fencing, "Moscow Sabre.

Among the spectators - fencer Zabelina.

Photo Zabelina - World champion and Olympic Games.

Zabelina training with their pupils.

Fragment of competition "Moscow Sabre.

Zabelina talking about fencing (synchronously).

Universal Sports Hall "Druzhba" during the competition.

Sit competitors.

Duel between the Hungarian athlete G. Nebaldom and Soviet athletes V. Krovopuskovym.

Zabelina says V. Krovopuskove (synchronously).

Congratulate the winner of a duel G. Nebalda.

B. Krovopuskov presents Zabelina carnations, kissed his hand.

Captain of team fencing of the USSR V. Krovopuskovu handed the grand prize - an ancient sword (for the victory of the Soviet team in the team competition).

3. Elbrus mountains.

Skiers ascend by funicular to the mountain.

Slalom on Mount Chiget - skiers down the mountain.

Campers learn to ski.

Fall skiers.

Ski passes rescuers.

Rescuers perebintovyvaet hand man.

The work of mountain rescue chief said rescue S. Katsyuk (synchronously).

Skiers learn to descend from the mountains - different plans.

Views lifeguard

Gliders on the mountain preparing equipment.

Preparing paratroopers Gutnick and E. B. Mahorylov.

Gliders ski rides on the mountain slope, gliding through the air.

Watch skiers and mountain rescuers.

Landed gliders.

Gliders gives the girl an autograph.

Skiers on the road slalom.