Syberia is on a Screen 1974 № 10

Film-document №1768 1 part, Duration: 0:09:51 to collection Price category G
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  • 1
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:52

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Director: M. Sherman

Operators: A. Homyakov, V. Shvarckopf, G. Gvozdaryov, V. Sushkevich, V. Ashihmin, V. Mamontov

Reel №1

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Mountain Shoria.

Researchers of the Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences in collaboration with the miners mine Tashtogolskogo test was carried out by electric automatic control system.

Spilling ore.

Goes with the ore composition.


Scientists and doctors Tomsk Institute of Balneology inspect and treat patients.

Students and professors at Tomsk University of sports club "Scat" are fond of diving, in the classroom in the pool.

The city of Kemerovo.

View hatching poultry farm shop.

Women gather eggs.

City of Novosibirsk.

Production processes at the chocolate factory in Novosibirsk.

Job Komsomol youth brigades N. Cherepavona.

Artist MI Uhryn with his paintings.

Gorny Altai.

Hunter D. Taskachakov goes through the taiga, chopping wood.

Key words

Hunting. Mining. Mining. Medicine. Water Sports. Poultry farming. Food industry. Painting.