Syberia is on a Screen 1979 № 21

Film-document №2019 1 part, Duration: 0:10:01 to collection Price category G
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  • 1
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:01

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Director: O. Komarova.

Operators: P. Shulyak, V. Krivov, V. Mamontov.

Other authors: Zvuk - N. Malashina.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Spring sowing of grain in virgin farm "Komsomol" Altai Territory in 25th anniversary of virgin lands.

Work first Tselinnik, tractor GP Razzhivin and his son Ivan.

Passengers in the cabin of the new aircraft "A-410 M" created Czechoslovak aircraft designers; in the cockpit - the crew of the Novosibirsk airport.

The building department of the Novosibirsk Engineering Plant "Work"; Crane carries on shop detail; welder.

Interview war veteran first Stakhanovist foundry GA Bakin (synchronously).

Omsk artist A. Shakepov at work on a painting.

70 birdhouses on trees made villager Kergelesh Kemerovo region SS Pozdnyakov (the number of his years).

SS Pozdnyakov at work in the garden, in the family circle.

Key words

State agricultural enterprises. Air transport. Czechoslovakia. Economic ties. Engineering. Painting. Nature. Life.