U.S. spy plane "Lockheed U-2". (1960)

Film-document №21763 2 footages, Duration: 0:03:44 to collection Price category --
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Scene 1 0:02:58

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Scene №1 American spy plane "Lockheed U-2"

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Debris brought down by Soviet rocket troops U.S. spy plane "Lockheed U-2."

Warriors missilemen: Major Ravens, Sheludko captain, lieutenant and Bukin Feldblum, Sergeant Shuster - shoot down a plane.

Aerial photographs taken F.G.Pauersom American pilot.

Weapons, foreign money, watch, pin with poison and other items, which was equipped with a pilot Powers.

Photos of spy-pilot F.G.Pauersa.

The text of the interrogation Powers.

Itinerary American aircraft flying over the USSR.

The city of Washington Capitol and the White House - different plans.

Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko, speaking at a press conference about the incident with a U.S. spy plane.

Key words

Pilot Spy Powers Espionage Military intelligence USSR-USA


Gromiko A.A. -- Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR


May 1960



Defense and internal security; Towns and countries; Foreign policy
Geography and Nature; Policy

Scene №2 American spy plane "Lockheed U-2"

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Khrushchev with a group of journalists visiting the exhibition of evidence invasion U.S. spy plane in the Soviet territory.

Khrushchev speaking to journalists.

Key words

Pilot Spy Powers Espionage Military intelligence USSR-USA


Hruschev N.S.


May 1960

Foreign policy