Helicopter design bureau named NI Kamov. (1950 - 1979)

Film-document №21833 3 footages, Duration: 0:20:51 to collection Price category --
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Scene 1 0:12:13

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Scene №1 Helicopter design bureau named NI Kamov

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70s.: Helicopter flies over the highway.

Helicopter on the observation deck, people around the helicopter.

Take off the helicopter with the aircraft carrier landing.


NI Kamov (photo).

Letter to the financing of construction of the first autogyro (1929).

The first Soviet autogyro KACKP-1 (photo).

1934: Autogyro A-7 flight.

1945-1948: The first coaxial Ka-8

Kamov helicopters have a range of designers.

Ka-8 - flights.

Pilot MD Gurov control helicopter.

The Ka-10 - flying, taking off and landing from different sites.

1953-1955: The Ka-15 Ka-18, flying over the city, use in agriculture, in rescue operations.

Splashdown helicopter K-15.

Instructor before the formation of pilots at the flying field.

The Ka-18: the use of athletes.

Ka-18 landing in the studio Shabolovskaya (pilot DK Efremov).

70s.: Designers Kamov Design Bureau for discussion in the garden.

Meeting at the ceremony Kamov Design Bureau in the Office: the speakers, listening.

Presentation of the Banner of the enterprise's staff.


Kamov NI - Aircraft


70s. 1934 1945-1948 1953-1955


Kamov Design Bureau
The Ka-10
The Ka-15
The Ka-18
Gyroplane A-7

Science; Transportation; Social life
Sectors of the economy

Scene №2 Helicopter design bureau named NI Kamov

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Helicopters on the tarmac.

The pilots get the job, go to the helicopters.

Takeoff of helicopters.

Helicopters are flying over mountainous terrain.

Use of the Ka-15 in agriculture: pollination of fields and gardens.

Take off the Ka-26.

Forest fire - shot from a helicopter.

Firefighter descends from a helicopter.

Firefighters extinguish a burning forest.

The Ka-26 puts out the fire.



50s. 60s.


The Ka-15
The Ka-26

Transportation; Agriculture; Disasters
Sectors of the economy; Geography and Nature; Wars, conflicts and disasters

Scene №3 Kamov Helicopter Design Bureau

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Helicopter in the mountains.

Landing a helicopter in the mountains.

Key words

Kamov Design Bureau named Emergency landing





Transportation; Ecology; Defense and internal security
Sectors of the economy; Geography and Nature