Streets and squares of Moscow. (1900 - 1959)

Film-document №21934 3 footages, Duration: 0:28:26 to collection Price category B
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Scene 1 0:17:06

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Scene №1 Streets and squares of Moscow

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

1900-1916 gg.: Ryad Street, people on the street

Shopping malls, there are sellers.

1928: People on the street in Moscow.

Signage: Traktir.

Signs of grocery stores.

The crowd in front of the shop "Sausages."

Passing trams and carts.

Sale racks in the area.

1931: Work on the roof of a house in Moscow.

Ruined house, the cab rides, cars.

Reconstruction Ryad street, passers-by on the street - shot from the top point.

Caption: This hotel will be built City Council.

1933: General plans Okhotny.

Hotel "Moscow" at the Manege Square.

Directions to the Petrovka Street and Theatre Way.

1951: Traffic on Theatre Way.

Central Telegraph building on Gorky Street (Tver).

A street in central Moscow: passing cars, people go.

Moscow Street - from the top point.

Directions to the street.

1938: The building of the Central Telegraph Office - removed from the top of the skyline, on Gorky Street and the roofs of houses.

Construction of houses on Tverskaya Street, the builders at work.

Demolition of old houses: a house collapses, smoke.

Tverskaya street - shot from the top point.

Asphalt streets, passing the rink.

Gorky Street passing double-decker bus.

Pushkin Square with the monument of AS Pushkin.

Passion Convent, the building of "Izvestia".

Wipers sweep the area.

Analysis of the Passion of the monastery.

Traffic on the area.

1950: Monument, AS Pushkin ("forests" on Pushkin Square.

Preparing to move the monument to the opposite side.

Pushkin monument "in the woods" (evening).

Watching passers-by.

Pushkin Square: the traffic, the monument to Pushkin in the new location.

Mayakovsky Square until 1935 (Triumph area) - from the top point.

They run the passers-by, people are jumping on the bandwagon tram.

Cinema building.

The motion of trams.

Traffic and pedestrians.

1938: Mayakovsky Square.

1947: Mayakovsky Square.

1950: The building is constructed of hotel "Beijing".

1951: The hotel "Beijing" traffic.

1958: The area of ​​Mayakovsky Mayakovsky monument (removed from the bus window).

Monument to Vladimir Mayakovsky in the background of hotel "Beijing".

Opening the Mayakovsky monument in the square.

1959: Construction of the tunnel on Mayakovsky Square.

1937: Novinsky Boulevard (street Tchaikovsky.

Gagarin House on Novinsky Boulevard.

1938-1939: Boulevard without trees, the expansion of the street.

Panorama over the roofs of houses.

Technique for construction of the road.

Cars leave the tunnel on the Garden Ring.

Key words

Hotel "Moscow" (Moscow City Council)


1900-1916 1930-1939 1950-1959




Tverskaya Street
Mayakovsky Square
Novinsky Boulevard
Monument to Pushkin
Mayakovsky Monument
Passion Monastery
Central Telegraph
Hotel "Pekin"
Gagarin House
Hotel "Moscow"

Transportation; Towns and countries; Construction
Sectors of the economy; Geography and Nature

Scene №2 Streets and squares of Moscow

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

30s.: Crumbling old buildings (demolition).

Works backhoe.

Traffic on Tverskaya Street.

The guard at the gates of Nikolsky.

Directions vehicle on the street (from a windshield).

Arc de Triomphe.

Red Square: cab rides

The monument to Minin and Pozharsky - photo.






Tverskaya Street
Nikolsky Gate
Arc de Triomphe
Red Square



Transportation; Towns and countries; Construction
Sectors of the economy; Geography and Nature

Scene №3 Streets and squares of Moscow

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1929: Smolensk area: shopping arcade.

The organ grinder with a parrot.

Streetcars in the square.

1950-1952: Metro.

Construction of the Foreign Ministry on Smolenskaya Square.

View from high-rise building under construction MFA.

The finished building the Foreign Ministry.

1937: Smolensky boulevard, traffic.

Workers uprooted trees, trees are loaded on the truck.

Smolensky Boulevard without trees.

Zubovsky Boulevard.

Collective farm area - the overall plan.

Shopping arcade on the Square (Sukharevskiy market).

1933: Sukharev Sukharev Tower Square in Moscow.

Tram rides, are people.

People on the street - from a map.

Sukharevskaya tower - large.

Sukharevskiy market.

Gypsy on the market.

Trading in the market.

Spinning plate on the gramophone.

People around the gramophone.

Traffic on Sukharev Square.

Passing tram.

Motor vehicle traffic.

Street - from a passage (rain)

Key words

Construction of the Garden Ring


1920-1939 1950-1959




Sukharevskaya Tower
Building Ministry of Foreign Affairs (skyscraper)



Transportation; Towns and countries; Construction; Finance
Sectors of the economy; Geography and Nature