Stakhanov movement. (1935 - 1936)

Film-document №21993 2 footages, Duration: 0:02:16 to collection Price category B
  • Footages
  • 1
  • 2
Title image

Scene 1 0:01:03

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Scene №1 Stakhanov movement

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Central Mine - Irmino in Donbass.

At the bottom was a miner A.Stahanov, spilling coal; passing train with coal.

The initiator of the Stakhanovite movement in railway transport, the driver is P.Krivonos train.

Weavers working - Stakhanovite Evdokia and Maria Vinogradova.

A.Stahanov miner - Stakhanovite N.Izotov and other leaders of manufacture in the classroom at the Industrial Academy Kaganovich.

Key words

The first five-year plan Newsreel 1935-1936.


Stahanov A. -- Miner, the initiator of a new form of socialist competition
Krivonos P. -- driver-Stakhanovite
Vinogradova M. -- weaver-Stakhanovite
Vinogradova E. -- weaver-Stakhanovite
Izotov N. -- miner Stakhanovite



Industry; Education; Youth; Social life
Sectors of the economy

Scene №2 Stakhanov movement

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Meeting with representatives of the Stakhanovite international proletariat.

Playing N.Izotov, E.Vinogradova and A.Stahanov (synchronously).

Key words

Newsreel, 1935


Stahanov A. -- Miner, the initiator of a new form of socialist competition
Vinogradova E. -- weaver-Stakhanovite
Izotov N. -- miner Stakhanovite



Youth; Social life