Soviet Ural Mountains 1985 № 18 "Ordzhonikidze"

Film-document №3801 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:10 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:13

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Producer Sverdlovsk newsreel studio

Director: I.Mihajlova

Script writers: B.Kosinskij, E.Polevih


Special issue of Ordzhonikidze district of Sverdlovsk.

Industry | Russian cities and regions

Sectors of the economy | Towns and countries | Geography and Nature

Reel №1

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Travel through Sverdlovsk.

The Sverdlovsk Hotel.

Ordzhonikidze district of the city.

Workshops of the plant.

Photo - bookmark of Uralmash.

Awarding of the plant.

Monument to S. Ordzhonikidze.

Walking excavator.

The EGE-20 excavator is in the shop.

Drilling equipment.

The plant "Uralelectrotyazhmash" named after Lenin.

The building of the turbo engine plant.

The workshop of the plant.

Newspapers of the Second World War.

Newsreel 1941-1945: the workshop of the plant, the production of tanks.

Photos of soldiers of the tank volunteer corps.

Tank on a pedestal.

Memorial plaque of those who died in the Second World War.

The honor board of the district.

KB engineers.

Uralmash workshops.

A team of blacksmiths at work.

Turner of the turbo engine plant I.Shibanov.

A team of carousel turners V.Brezgunov from Uralelktrotyazhmash at work.

Hero of Socialist Labor milling L.Dedyukhin.

Design bureau.

Key words

Work logistics in WWII





Reel №2

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Greenhouses of the Ordzhonikidzevsky state farm.

State farm livestock farm.

Consumer goods at the exhibition.

Vacuum cleaners on a conveyor belt.

Washing machines "Baby", table lamps.

Streets of the district, a new residential quarter.

Awarding of the best employees of the district.

Old photos of the area.

Children's ensemble of violinists.

Children in the pool.

Sketches of metro stations.

Palace of Culture.

Interiors of the palace.

Performance of the actors of the Sovremennik theater at Uralmash.

At the microphone, O. Efremov.

The actors are presented with flowers .

Among them: Evstigneev, Kindinov.

Volleyball match.

Basketball game.

Ski race.

Tourists walk along the river.

A campground for tourists.

Kayaks on the river.

Teenagers at the machines.

Komsomol Sunday.

A worker lights a torch from Martin.

The torch is being carried by car.

Lighting the fire of sports competitions.

Visits of prominent statesmen from various countries of the world (photos).

Meeting with representatives of Czechoslovakia, the sister country of the district.

Signing of cooperation agreements.




