Stellar palette. (1982)

Film-document №38838 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:18 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:43

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Director: Shvarts L.

Script writers: B.Konovalov

Operators: D. Masurenkov


Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov, the first cosmonaut, who saw the cosmic landscapes and create an artistic chronicle of the space of the universe.

Heroes of Space

Biography | Space

Reel №1 Stellar palette

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The ensemble "Zodiac." Landscape.

At the lake sitting cosmonaut Alexei Leonov and artist Sokolov.


Leonov draws.

Landscape of the island.

Photos of Yuri Gagarin and other cosmonauts.

The launch.

Leonov spacewalk.

Academicians say OG Gazenko VA Ambartsumian, Soviet cosmonaut Klymuk PI, VI Sevast'ianov.




Falcons in the TV studio.

Astronauts Birch and Lebedev on television.


Visitors to the exhibition, among them A. Sokolov, A. Leonov.

Cotton field.

Rocky terrain.

Key words

Painting. Astronautics. Astronomy. Music. Nature.


Leonov A.A. -letchik-kosmonavt
Sokolov A.K. hudozhnik-fantast, arhitektor. Narodnij hudozhnik RSFSR.




Reel №2

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Gazenko O.G. (synchronously) about the works of A.Leonov and A.Sokolova.

A.Leonov and A.Sokolov in the Star City.

Monument to the first cosmonaut.

A. Sokolov at a teleconference session with cosmonauts.

Pilot-cosmonaut P.I. Klimuk (synchronously).


Ambartsumyan V.A. (synchronously).

Sevastyanov V.I. (synchronously).

Exhibition of paintings by A.Leonov and A.Sokolova.


A.Leonov and A.Sokolov walk across the meadow.



Gazenko O.G.-fiziolog, akademik Rossijskoj akademii nauk, general-lejtenant medicinskoj sluzhbi, osnovopolozhnik kosmicheskoj medicini, laureat mnozhestva prestizhnih premij, vklyuchaya Gosudarstvennuyu premiyu SSSR, premiyu Praviteljstva RF
Klimuk P.I. -kosmonavt, dvazhdi Geroj Sovetskogo Soyuza, general-polkovnik. Doktor tehnicheskih nauk, professor. Pochyotnij chlen Nacionaljnoj akademii nauk Belorussii.
Ambarcumyan V.A. -astrofizik, astronom, odin iz osnovopolozhnikov teoreticheskoj astrofiziki, osnovatelj shkoli teoreticheskoj astrofiziki SSSR. Akademik AN SSSR.
evastjyanov V.I. - Lyotchik-kosmonavt SSSR, kandidat tehnicheskih nauk. Dvazhdi Geroj Sovetskogo Soyuza. Chlen KPSS s 1963 goda. Zasluzhennij master sporta SSSR.