Anomalous phenomena. (1991)

Film-document №38982 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:01 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:08:49

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Producer Film studio Man and time

Director: Anchurov A.

Operators: V. Yaroshenko, A. Pershin


The film tells of pensioner IG Novikov, who according to him, can communicate with other civilizations.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Climbs the stairs hero of the film Hippolyte G. Novikov.

IG says Novikov.

Hippolytus says compatriot G. Love Ivanovna.

Buried in the ground; IG passes Novikov.

Woman descends into the cellar; stands a boy.

Woman gets out of the cellar and closes it.

On the streets of the city of Perm passes Lubov and other residents.

It is a group of people with their hands to heaven.

IG says Novikov; group of people repeats his words.

Are women and men with their hands up.

Raised their hands to heaven.



Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Hippolyte G. and Lyubov on the riverbank.

Bathe the children.

Boys with oars go down the river, swim in the boat.

The man on the shore waving his arms.

IG Novikov, Lyubov and their guests from the North Caucasus dose Lama out of the boat to the shore.


Flower, bush.

Autumn landscape.

Flag on the building of the village council.

Says the chairman of the village council n.


Flying the flag.

IG Novikov, Lyubov and dose Lame go into a zone of anomalous phenomena.

Hippolyte G. pulls things out of the backpack.

Lyubov and dose Lama sitting in a zone of anomalous phenomena.

Hippolyte G. refers to the cosmic mind and tells.

In the car ride driver, Hippolytus and G. Dose Lama.

Lyubov rides the bus.

Animation: landscape; lighting effects.

The cameraman shoots lighting effects.

Animation: the people on the bank of the river; lighting effects.