My quiet homeland. (2003)

Film-document №39141 1 film, Duration: 0:45:20 to collection Price category S
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Movie 1 0:45:21

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Producer Film studio Otechestvo

Director: A. Vasilyev

Script writers: A. Vasilyev

Operators: S. Starikov


Film-portrait for the anniversary of Russian writer Vasily Belov.


Persons of arts | Biography | Culture and Arts | Literature

Movie №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Landscape, the approach to the village buildings.

House, village, nature.



Vasily Belov tells and shows photos from his past.

House, interior, life, writer, plays the accordion.

Shooting writer at a younger age, his life and family at the time of filming.

The Picture in the House.

A fragment of the film adaptation of the novel Belova "Carpentry Stories" in 1973.

Book writer.

Conversation with Belov.

Shooting the writer's life.

Old photos.

Book Belova.

Current Sensing writer.

Photos Alexander Yashin.


View from the window.

Villagers and animals.

Rural nature.

The writer is on the street.

Old photographs of familiar writer.

The writer speaks with a resident of the village.

Conversation with the writer.

Poster rural theater.

Representation at the local theater.

Local theater dressing room.

Clippings from the writer.

Conversation with the writer.

Field landscapes and work.

Photos from the past of the writer.

Insert the film "Carpentry stories," the film adaptation of the novel Belova.


Conversation with the writer's village resident.


Government building of the Vologda region.

Flag and plaque on the door of the office of the governor.

Interview with the governor.

Rural landscapes.

Scenes from the writer.

Map of the Vologda region.


Belov is on the road.

Rustic setting.

The writer is on the path towards the village, part of the yard, comes into the house.

The interior of the house.

Shooting writer at a younger age and older women.



Crosses in the churchyard.

Photo Nikolai Rubtsov.

Conversation with Belov.

Photo Shirikova Vladimir Leonidovich.

Fragment from the film "All ahead," based on the novel Belova.

Photo Lystsov Ivan.

Story writer.

Reflection of buildings in water.

Superimposed frames from the speech of rural and urban life in the theater.


A large crowd of people, Belov speaks to them.

Images from the representations of the rural theater.

Fragment from the film "All ahead," based on the novel Belova.

Photos of the family Belova.

Fragment from the film "Carpentry stories."

Conversation with Belov.

Photos daughter Belova.

Shooting an unknown family.

Old photo farmhouse.

Belov collects berries.

Conversation with Belov on the street.

Shutters farmhouse.


Gaps in the cemetery.

Photo Belova Senior.

Story Belova at the cemetery.

Photos of soldiers of the Great Patriotic.

Tuft of grass for the beam.

Tomb mother Belova.

The first book of poems Belova.

Toys at the fair.

Urban views, monuments, churches, weddings.

Footage of urban residents and city streets.

Photos of political demonstrations, slogans on Berezovsky.

Belova conversation with the governor.

Book Belova.

Gaps in the river.

Stills from the film "Earth is in trouble."

Photos of people.

Rural landscape.

Shooting of the old church, frescoes and paintings.

Old Cathedral.

The military, on the background of working in the field.

Wardrobe with photos and papers.


The interior of the apartment.

Belov reads.

Stills from the film "Carpentry stories."

Story Belova.

Old photos Belova.

Belov goes through the village and comes to church.

Conversation with Belov.

Figure based on the Old Testament.

Conversation with Belov.

The book "The Law and Grace."

Belova shooting with the local theater troupe.

Old photos.

Conversation with Belov.


Photo composer Valery Gavrilov.

Country views and landscapes.

Photos from the life of Belov, his friends and acquaintances.

Manuscript of a new story "coloratura soprano."

Story Belova.

The interior of the house.

Rural landscapes.


Belov VI - The famous Russian writer, representative of "village prose"


Vologodskaya oblast

Culture and Arts; Religion
Social life