Bugulminsky Porcelain Factory. (1986)

Film-document №39571 1 part, Duration: 0:02:37 to collection Price category G
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  • 1
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:02:38

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Producer Sverdlovsk newsreel studio

Director: I.Reznikov


The film advertises the products of the Bugulma Porcelain Works.


Sectors of the economy

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Large - chandelier, crystal pattern in the form of a flower.

Exhibition - teapots, porcelain sets and other dishes.

Photos from American media, advertising.

White porcelain plates are taken out of a metal box.

The production process is the manufacture of glazed porcelain tableware.

There are white teapots and cups on the conveyor.

Panorama of the products of Bugulma porcelain factory - plates, cups, glasses, dishes, teapots, etc.

Slow motion - dishes fall and do not break.

Containers for spices.

A set with different plates.

The emblem of the Bugulma porcelain factory.

There is a white teapot with cups in the grass among dandelions.

The production process is the manufacture of glazed porcelain tableware.

A set with plates, cups, dishes, etc.

An advertising poster with a girl.

Tea set.

Poster - a girl advertises the products of the plant.

Inter-Republican wholesale fair of tableware - people communicate, look at the products of enterprises, sign contracts, etc.

In the frame - the products of the Bugulma porcelain factory.

The emblem of the plant.

Key words

Porcelain, tableware





Sectors of the economy