Profession - Miner. (1985)

Film-document №40760 3 parts, Duration: 0:25:02 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:15

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Producer Sverdlovsk newsreel studio

Director: Rogozhin N.

Script writers: Seregin A., Tur V.

Operators: Dackevich A.


The film tells about the signs of our socialist society by the example of the fate of the four miners mine "Sermon".

Professions | Industry

Social life | Sectors of the economy

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The lights of lanterns in the dark.

The miners are going through an underground corridor.

Interview with high school students.

Novokuznetsk Street.

Iron and Steel Works.

Construction of residential quarters.

City streets, adults and children in parks and squares.

Mine "Sermon", mining equipment.

1. MP.

Coal mining in the mine.

Coal on a conveyor.

Brigadier R.N.Staheev with the workers.

Set backups.

Mining equipment, there is a development of the new site.


Receiving day R.N.Staheev talking with visitors.

Brigade Council. R.N.Staheev reading a newspaper.

A woman prepares dinner.

An interview with the foreman at his home.

Works carbon harvester.


Kemerovo region



Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

2. Student.

Mining equipment.

Coal on the conveyor.

Miner Yu. G. Kulish.


Students in the classroom.

Yu. G. Kulish is engaged at home.

The miner's wife and children.

Tells Yu. G. Kulish.

Coal harvester.

3. Director.

The equipment works in the mine.

Director of the Nagornaya mine V. M. Erpylev with workers underground.

The director is on the phone.


Technical advice.

Alternation: the secretary in the reception area, the director talks with the workers during office hours.


Erpilyov V.M. -- mining engineer, organizer of coal mining production in Kuzbass, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Hero of Socialist Labor.


Kemerovo region



Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

View of the conveyor from above.

Meeting in the director's office.

Natural landscapes.

Narrated by V. M. Erpylev.

Coal Mountain.

4. Retired.

Coal mining in the mine.

View of the village, a car is driving along the road.

The car pulls up to the house.

Rural houses.

An elderly man works in the garden.

Retired miners at work.


Lake view.

A man is fishing on the shore.

Float on the water.

Tells I. Ya.


Coal harvester.

Teenagers in a career guidance class.

Students change clothes before descending into the mine.

Working coal harvester, mountain view.


Erpilyov V.M.


Kemerovo region

