Siberian village youth. (1985)

Film-document №41426 1 part, Duration: 0:09:44 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:45

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Producer Sverdlovsk newsreel studio

Director: Kvaskova E., Nikiporenko N.

Script writers: Hlopin V.

Operators: Lamberg V., Nikiporenko N., Pogorelov S.


Rural reform in action. Since childhood, students cultivate a love for the native land. They receive specialty mechanics and livestock.

Education | Professions | Agriculture

Social life | Sectors of the economy

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Fragment of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. River View.

A girl riding a horse.

District, village of Pokrovka.

The street chase a herd of geese.

The man straightens hammer detail.

Woman preserves cucumbers.

She leads the cows come home.

Girl feeding rabbits.

The girls learn to sew.

View to the playground.

Boys repairing a bicycle.

Children in the classroom in kindergarten.

View of the river because of the trees.

A flock of migratory birds.

Walk to school.

Children go to school.

Students in the classroom.

The children gather mushrooms in the forest.

Sunset over the river.

Children sit around the campfire.

River at dusk.

Lesson labor for boys.

Children work in the school gardens.

Playing football in gym class.

Charging on the street.

Jogging in the garden.

From the horse stables output.

The girl cleans a horse.

Bandaging the horse's legs.

Rider on the site.

High school students in the fields of sunflowers.

Students get off the bus and run to the building.

Flowers on the windowsill.

Theoretical classes.

Practical training young mechanics.

Teenagers working on agricultural machinery.

School team on tour along the Irtysh.

Waterfront, harbor cranes.

Students at the monument to the heroes of the war in Omsk.

Siberian Research Institute of Agriculture.

Students in the experimental fields of the institute.

Excursion to the laboratory.

Graduates are prepared for the opening of the village museum.

Future milkmaids at work in the barn.

Girls remove smocks.

She put on the table.

Students in the class.

Chairman of the collective farm I.F.Regida talking with children.

Last call, graduates bid farewell to the school.

A graduate carries on his shoulders a first-grader with a bell.


Mikhail Gorbachev - State, political and public figure, the last general secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, the last President of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the first chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the only president of the USSR.




Omsk region

