I used to builders go .... (1980)

Film-document №41429 1 part, Duration: 0:09:40 to collection Price category G
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  • 1
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:41

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Producer Sverdlovsk newsreel studio

Director: Reznikov I.

Script writers: Gohfeljd E.

Operators: Mogilatov V.


The film tells about the profession of the builder, helping pupils and students in career counseling.

Education | Professions | Construction

Social life | Sectors of the economy

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Alternation: a variety of houses, teenagers are laid tile on the tracks.

Asphalt roller.

Students in the classroom.

Children playing with designers.

Children on the playground.

The child builds a wall of bricks.

Animation: a wall of cubes filled with photographs.

High-rise buildings.

Builders work on the construction site of new homes.

Ads for work.

Students of vocational schools, in practice, interior decoration.

Students in the classroom.

Mixing paints.

Classes future joiners and carpenters in the workshop.

Students in the classes.

Students in practice, construction of a house.

It's raining.

Drive trucks on a construction site.

Bulldozer rowing ground.

Tiled staircase.

New Wedding Palace.

Photographer takes a picture.


Newlyweds on the porch.

The groom takes the bride in his arms.

New kindergarten.

House under construction.

Children playing near the construction trailer.

Head Caravan site.

Man talking on the phone.

Builders dinner.

Building campus.

The pilot house.

Alternation: construction college students, the construction of buildings.


The sculpture on the square.

Completed and buildings under construction.