In the Moscow Zoo.. (1951)

Film-document №4214 2 parts, Duration: 0:24:15 to collection Price category A
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:08:28

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Agapova N.

Script writers: Mordvinova V.


Film-tour of the zoo.

Moscow | Educational films | Institutions of science

Towns and countries | Geography and Nature | Science

Reel №1

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Moscow Zoo, in the pond swans and ducks.

For mesh enclosure is Lama.

Grey Heron.

South American llama.

Lama walks through aviary.

Eland of the net, people feed the antelope.


Hyena picks up food.

African ostrich.

The minister is coming to an ostrich zoo and petting wings.

A polar bear jumps into the pond.

Polar bear swims.

Indian elephant.

People watching the elephant.

Elephant playing with a branch.

The elephant waved its trunk.

Elephant takes and eats treats.

Hippo goes out of the pond.

Children at the net enclosure.

Hippo in the water.

Crocodiles in the water near the shore.

As the tree creeps a serpent.

An employee of the zoo with a boa in his hands.

A veterinarian inspects pink pelican.

Treatment methods.

A doctor treats a pelican fish.

Malay bears.

Bears poured from a hose.

Green Monkey.

Woman turns on the lamp-heater.

Monkeys bask under the lamp.

Monkeys play in the aviary.

The man next to the cage.

The cell runs lion.


Alternation: nine catches on cell walls, other inhabitants of the zoo (the cougar, lynx, tiger, bear).

Alternation: zoo staff watching a lion, a lion running around the cage.

Leo was removed from the twigs sixth.

Lion lying on the floor.

Lion hunting.

The goats run away.

Lion eating its prey.

Lion on the floor of the cage.

The cell slips a piece of meat on a pole.

Leo refuses to eat.

People come to the cage.

Leo turns.

Stale meat removed.

In a bowl pour the milk and break an egg.

A bowl pushes closer to the lion.

The doctor watches the lion.

Lion drinking milk.



Reel №2

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Leo walks around the cage.

A man watches the lion.

Leo washes.

Lioness in the aviary.

Meeting of male and female.

Lioness with cubs.

Games cubs.


Cub playing with mother's paw.

Lioness licking cubs.

Mother playing with cubs.

Lion parent catches the tail.

Lion cubs and tiger.

Mentor young.

Woman stroking a lion cub, baby snaps.

Lion looking at the man.

A woman offers food cub.

Lion eats the meat, woman watching.

The lion cage admit kid.

Lion roars.

Woman stroking a kid and watching the animals.

Kid pushed closer lion frightened.

Cubs start to play with each other.

The kid runs into the street.

Young lion sneaks behind.

Young animals of various species of the playground of the young.

Animals taken from each other's toys.

White bear cubs playing with a ball in the pool.

Brown bears and ride on the carousel.

Brown and white teddy bears playing in the pool.

Woman petting and scratching and lion cub.

Suitable polar bear.

Woman with brown cubs.

Woman playing with adult-bear.

Bear plays with a dog.

Mentor stroking tiger through the bars.

A woman walks past the grating.

Tigress in a cage.

Tigress and educator in the cell.

The woman gets up, pats tiger and leaves.

Tigress lies on the floor.

The man opens the cage.

The wolf ran up to the door, but do not try to escape.



Reel №3

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A family of baboons.

Adults with calves.

A female with a baby on the breast.

The male goes to the cage.

The family gets together.

Younger baby pass each other.

Adults looking for each other's fleas, a young potter around.

The female hippopotamus with a baby in the water.

Hippos are located on land.

Hippos on a walk.

Little hippo.

Elephant goes under the belly and between the legs of the mother.

Elephant digging in the sand.

Elephant next to his mother.

Elephant comes to family.

Visitors to the zoo watching the elephants.

Polar bears in cages.

Professor Vasiliev.

An assistant professor conducted experiments play with the polar bears.

Bears in cages.

On the sixth catchy piece of meat and offer bears.

Ratmir Bear climbs on the grid and produced food.

Bear Tommy takes food at once.

On the sixth flap cling matter.

Ratmir offended and angry.

Tommy eats shred.

Meat on a pole.

Tommy moves back.

Bears in cages.

Chimpanzees goes along the lattice.

Monkey to run and play in the cell.

Professor N.N.Ladygina-Cotes with the assistant.

Monkey at the gate.

Professor treat hides in a tube.

The tube is passed monkey.

Professor watching chimpanzees.

Chimpanzees Boris examines tube.

Monkey breaks leaves from the branches and trying to get a treat.

Chimpanzees transfer board.

Monkey biting on the edge of the board, get a stick.

Monkey gets a treat from the tube with the help of a stick.

Boris eats treats.

Monkey goes to the cage.

Monkey spins and rectifies a coil of wire.

Alternation: Visitors at the zoo enclosure, chimpanzees romping with wire and tube.

People in the alleys of the zoo.

Children riding pony carts in a circle.


Ladygina-Cotes NN - Zoopsychologists, primatologist, Dr. Sci.

