Altai parable.. (1992)

Film-document №47131 5 parts, Duration: 0:44:51 to collection Price category S
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:43

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Producer Film studio Otechestvo

Director: S. Goloveckij

Script writers: A. Korchuganov, S. Goloveckij, V. Maev.

Operators: V. Maev

Recordist: M. Timofeev

Music designer: L. Ovchinskaya

Painter: M. Artamonov, M. Morozova

Other authors: poet B. Bedyurov


The land resources of the Altai Territory and its natural resources; the history of logging, and the everyday life of taiga workers.

Russian cities and regions

Towns and countries | Geography and Nature

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Altay landscape; fog over the river, boulders on the bank of the river; mountains, taiga.

Felling, skidding in the taiga forest.

Interview one of the woodcutters of unsystematic, lack of rationality in deforestation.

Kind of dried wood.

Transporting woods on a trailer.

Timber floating on the river.

Winds forester says the massive felling of cedar in the Altai, Siberia, inappropriate natural balance.

Residents taiga settlement buy products delivered on a cargo van.

A resident of one of the taiga settlements, retired alone builds his house on a foundation of natural stone, making the shape of a house in the form of hexagon.

City Biysk Altai region, with local airport the plane takes off.

Smoke from factory pipes, view Biisk CHP; tram rides.

Key words

Nature. Timber industry. Road transport. Forestry. Trade. Utilities. Houses. Air transport. Energy. City transport.


Altay region



Geography and Nature; Industry; Automobile transport
Sectors of the economy; Transportation

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Rocky cliff.

A passenger bus is moving along a mountain road.

Rock art.

Sheep graze at the foot of the cliff.

The bus is moving along a mountain road.

A bus from the doorway of an abandoned house.

A log on a stump.

A gathering of people, a rural holiday.

A teenager walks out of the door of a country club.

A poster with a festive program in honor of the village's birthday.

Villagers at the door of the club.

A cluster of people on a hillock.

Young people jump over logs.

Men sit on a log.

A calf runs in the crowd.

On a log bridge, villagers cross the stream.

Villagers are queuing for food delivered by a cargo van.

The saleswoman drags the boxes.

The driver of the van in the cab behind the wheel, behind the poster with a photo portrait of the actress Irina Alferova.

Women in the queue.

Girls with bows in their hair.

A man with a watermelon in a grocery bag.

A grandfather with a grandson in his arms.

Local drunk.

On the logs of the men sit and smoke.

A local artist offers his works, a bear with a bear cub on the background of a taiga river.

The artist smokes.

Sheep at the foot of a rocky cliff.

A flock of sheep near the outskirts.



Panorama of the river, forest area on the other side.

The central square of the village, a cart with a horse.

Local market, old ladies sell vegetables and root vegetables.

The faces of elderly women.

A baby and two small pumpkins.

The tractor moves across the square.

Fir wood.

A logger at the trunk with a saw, sawing a tree in half.

The face of a lumberjack.

Forest landscape.

A woodcutter works with an axe.

Panorama of a mixed forest.

Wooden log house.

Forest area.

A woodcutter walks through a thicket of grass.

A logger enters a house under construction.

View from the crevice of an unfinished house.

The logger washes his face from the kettle.

A pile of building stone.

The woodcutter drinks tea.

Key words

Taiga, logs, villagers, woodland, rocks


Irina Alferova, rossijskaya aktrisa, narodnaya artistka RF


Altay region



Geography and Nature; Agriculture; Construction
Sectors of the economy

Reel №3

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A woodcutter drinks tea and talks about building a house.

There's a baby badger on a pile of rocks.

Wooden log house.

Log house on the background of the forest.

Unfinished structures.

The woodcutter looks through the window opening, offering a view of the taiga landscape.

The face of a lumberjack.

Felling the forest.

The excavator works.

With the help of an excavator nozzle, the tree trunk is cleaned from branches.

Machine operator Vladimir Franchuk in the cab of the excavator.

Felling a tree.

Two people in a boat on the river.

The banks of the river, covered with snow.

Panorama of the river with a pier and woodlands.

Against the background of the Altai mountains, the plane is descending.

A helicopter lands on a snow-covered platform.


The helicopter is crowded with passengers.

The wind ruffles the dry branches in the snow.


Skiers run towards the snow-covered forest.

A haystack in the snow.

Branches ate in the snow.

Wooden house behind a fence, (local airport).

A horse at a snow-covered haystack.

A horse chews hay.

Rural residents.

Children collect water from the pump into a canister.

The boy's face.

A man carries cans of water on a sled, a child holds on to the canister with his hands.

The boys look at the movie camera.

The faces of the boys.

Villagers on the porch of a grocery store.

Men's faces.

A teenager.

The horse carries the villagers in a sleigh.

A hut with one window.

Pumpkins in the snow on the bench.

Wooden stumps in the snow.

A herd of cows.

Grazing cows.

View of the taiga mountains.

Mountain river.

Panorama of the taiga area.

Wooden log house.

The logger dials the spring water from the hole with a bucket.

View of a wooden log house.

The logger comes with a bucket of water.

A woodcutter breaks birch bark.

Smoke over the roof of an unfinished house.

A woodcutter carries firewood from a woodcutter.

View of the unfinished house.

The falling tree.

The tractor pulls the trunks.

Felling the forest.

A lumberjack with a chainsaw.

The trunks slide through the snow into the depths of the forest.

Panorama of the winter taiga.

Key words

Construction of a house, felling of wood, excavator, villagers, winter in the taiga


Vladimir Franchuk, mehanizator na lesopovale


Altay region



Geography and Nature; Agriculture; Industry; Air transport
Sectors of the economy; Transportation; Aviation

Reel №4

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

A man with a boat hook crosses a mountain river.

View of the taiga mountains.

A man takes pictures.

Snow-covered valley.

A man with a dog makes his way through the snowdrifts to the forest.

The dog jumps in the snow.

A man with a boot clears a hole in the snow, throws off his backpack.

The dog sniffs.

A man with a bundle of firewood comes out of the forest, makes his way through the snowdrifts.

A man makes a fire of rags and lapnik.

A man is boiling water in a pot.

View of the forest from under the hill.

The trunk of a cedar tree.

The bare crown of a cedar tree.

The green crown of a cedar tree.

A man on the edge of the forest.

Panorama of the forest area.

A forest road that goes into the distance, along which a figure of a man moves.

A seething mountain stream, a wood-melting plant.

Rafters on the catwalk are wielding hooks.


The length of the countryside along the coast.

Rows of hangars and wooden buildings.

A bird's-eye view of the settlement.

Felled trees in the river.

Boat on the river.

Tent city.

A man in a tent, wrapping a footcloth around his leg.

Tractors and harvesters are in the field.


Field kitchen.

Steam over the pan.

Travelers Smoking.

Rafters are warming themselves by the fire.

The raftsman is having lunch.

The face of the rafters.

Raftsman dresses, (warmed).

A skidder is moving through the dry coastal thickets.

Combine precipitated into the river, the tree trunks.

Harvesters are working on the opposite bank of the river.

View of the forest.

Skidding harvesters push tree trunks into the river.

Panorama of the forest melt.

Key words

Taiga, forest, snowdrifts, mountain river, wood-melting


Altay region



Geography and Nature; Industry
Sectors of the economy

Reel №5

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Rafters, armed with hooks, push the trunks of trees in the river.

Panorama of the river with floating logs.

River flow, view of the other bank.

Cumulus clouds over the mountains.

Wooden structure, (local airport).

A sign with the opening hours of the airport.

Rural resident.

An elderly woman smokes.



A man on a bench by the fence.

Local residents.

The plane lands.

Passengers disembark from the plane.

A muzzled dog in a crowd of passengers.

Children with a bicycle.

The man puts the dog on the plane.

Behind the windows of the portholes, the passengers are getting into their seats.

The roar of the engine, the smoke spreading across the grass.

The plane is moving on the runway.

The plane takes off.

Panorama of the river, view of the other bank.

Traffic jam.

Passenger buses and passenger cars.

Factory pipes, passing tram.

Factory chimneys smoke.

Monument on the city square.

Tram tracks and heavy traffic in both directions.

The plane lands.

Haystacks in the field.

Fir trees are reflected in the water surface.

Panorama of the river, logging.

Key words

Forest, raftsman, river, plane


Altay region



Geography and Nature; Industry; Air transport; Traction
Sectors of the economy; Transportation; Aviation