Labour have changed the country. (1986)

Film-document №48834 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:19 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:21

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Director: Yurlovskij V.

Script writers: Gorelkin E.

Operators: Shkundov Yu.


The film tells about the specialties that you can obtain in vocational schools, demonstrates the modern level of technical equipment of schools and training workshops.

Youth | Education | Professions

Social life

Reel №1

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Personnel titles: computer operators.

A child in a wheelchair.

Children running in the Park (slow motion).

The children go to school 1 September.

Chemistry lesson at a vocational school.

New cars on the Assembly line.

Mechanics in the Assembly of vehicles.

Equipment and weaving work shops.

The resolution on the reform of the school.

Newspaper clippings.


The fountain in the courtyard.


Top view into the courtyard of the school.

Vocational school № 71 in Selyatino.

Students go to class.

Ball games in the gym.

Students run through the hallway.

Musical ensemble meets in the auditorium.


Students go to class.

Closes the door.

The students in the classroom.

The corridor of the school.

Agricultural vocational school № 95 in Dubna, foreign language lesson in the language classroom.

The study of computer science classes on the basics of computing.

School chemistry classroom.

The study of chemistry in vocational school № 95, the equipment and reagents.

Experiments in chemistry class.

Closing the curtains.

Lessons on the periodic table with lighting.

Ads in Newspapers.

Handbook on career counseling.

Text under a magnifying glass.



Moscow region



Reel №2

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Theoretical and practical training in training and production workshop welders.

Office of agricultural machinery, vocational school № 95.

Theoretical and practical training of future machine operators.

Interns in the field.

Practice leader.

Alternating: students sit in the cars and ploughing.

Agriculture in the field.

Moscow vocational school No. 106, industrial training in weaving machines.

Interns work in a factory.

The study of social and political Sciences.

The students take to the office, sit at their desks.

The alternation of the students in the classroom, thematic literature.

Moscow vocational school № 1, pupils visit the Museum of labor glory.

The Museum exhibits.

Faces of adolescents.

With the details of removed shavings.

Student in protective glasses.

Lathe area production workshops, students work on the machines.

Leningrad vocational school № 38, students in the study of robotics.

Schoolgirls drinking tea during the break.

Girls taking their seats.

Training high-speed printing blindly.

Computer class, training computer operators.


Moscow region

