Stone shield Russia.. (1974)

Film-document №50044 1 part, Duration: 0:09:19 to collection Price category G
  • Full film
  • 1
Title image

Movie 1 0:09:19

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Producer Lennauchfilm (LNF)

Director: A. Bzarov

Operators: A. Bzarov

Other authors: Zvuk - B. Pozdnyak. Muzika - L. Prigozhin.

Reel №1

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Ancient Russian fortress town in the northwest of the USSR: Izborsk Porhov, Koporye Ivangorod, Pechora, Pskov.

Ramparts, towers, ramparts.

Animation: Crusader attack on Russia; siege enemy castles.

Building castles.

Key words

Architecture. Utilities. Science. History.


Pskov region



Movie №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Ancient Russian fortress cities in the north-west of the USSR: Izborsk, Porkhov, Koporye, Ivangorod, Pechory, Pskov.

Fortress walls, towers, ramparts.

Animation: the attack on Russia by the crusaders; the siege of fortresses by the enemy.

The construction of fortresses.

The fortress tower.

Bell. the battle with the Crusaders (13th century, the Front Chronicle).

The Pskov Kremlin.

Izborskaya fortress.

The construction of the Porkhov fortress (The Front chronicle).

Porkhovskaya fortress.

Koporye fortress.

Ivangorod fortress.

The ruins of the Livonian castle.

Ivangorod fortress.

Winter landscape.

Pechora Monastery.


Pskov region

