Our clients live and work.. (1986)

Film-document №51939 1 part, Duration: 0:05:03 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:05:03

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Director: Stapran A.


The film shows a new version of the CPSU Program adopted by the XXVII Congress of the CPSU.

Congress of the CPSU

CPSU activity | Domestic policy | Policy

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Buyers and sellers in the store room "International Book".

Books on the shelves.

The program of the Communist Party in different languages.

Moscow Kremlin.

View of the State Kremlin Palace (Palace of Congresses).

Delegates of XXVII Congress of the CPSU. On the podium Mikhail Gorbachev.

Book Gorbachev.


Party reports.

The new version of the CPSU Program.

Animation: the program of the CPSU in English and photos.

In the steel shop.

Production of pipes.

Radio devices.

Production of different parts.

Building car engines.

The body of the car on the assembly line.

The CPSU Program.

Children playing in the yard.

House cottage in the village.

Children near the houses, the people working in the gardens.

The surgeon makes an operation.

Larger image of the eye.

SN Fedorov examines a child.

The CPSU Program.

People go down the avenue in the Kremlin.

Kremlin towers.


Combines to harvest.

The CPSU Program.

Children ride the rides in the park.

Horse riding.

Child runs along the park path.

The mother picks up the child in his arms.

People dismantled publications program of the CPSU in different languages.

Buyers and sellers in the store room "International Book".


Mikhail Gorbachev - State, political and public figure, the last general secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, the last President of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the first chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the only president of the USSR.
SN Fedorov - Ophthalmologist, eye microsurgery, Academy of Medical Sciences and Natural Sciences, Hero of Socialist Labor of the USSR.

