The truth of a great nation. Movie 3. Native land.. (1982)

Film-document №51961 6 parts, Duration: 0:55:52 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:35

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Director: Tomberg V.

Script writers: G. Cukanov, E. Samotejkin, A. Zaharov

Operators: A. Martincev

Composers: G. Movsesyan

Anouncers: Yu. Kayurov

Other authors: Hudruk B. Richkov


The film tells the story of the coat of arms, flag, anthem and the capital of the USSR.

Russian cities and regions | Society, social activities and community organizations

Towns and countries | Geography and Nature | Social life

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Flying over Leningrad, views of the cruiser "Aurora" on the Neva.

Flag of Soviet Navy on the nose "Aurora".

Ship gun.

Fireworks in the night sky.

People on the Red Square in the evening.

Fireworks in the sky over the Kremlin towers.

Illumination, the image of the emblem of the USSR on the building.

PNRM. for brass band musicians.

Faces of adults and children during the salute.

Illumination: "USSR" on the buildings of New Arbat.

Fireworks over the Spasskaya Tower.

View of the Mausoleum, all (with the upper point).

PNRM. the Spassky Tower, the clock: 10-00.

Newsreel 1918-1919 gg .:

Post-Revolutionary parade.

On Red Square, Lenin stands.

Red flag over the dome of the Kremlin buildings.

Newsreel 1926-1929 gg .:

The first Soviet tractors come out of the factory gates.

Tractor rides through the countryside.

Monument "Worker and Collective Farm Girl", hitting the hammer and sickle on top of the sculpture.

Red flags on the building of the Bolshoi Theater.

Hit a bas-relief image of the arms of the USSR.

A general view of Red Square during a demonstration.

Monument to Lenin in the Kremlin.

PNRM. Moscow with the top point: Moskva-river, the bridge, the hotel "Russia".

The book "The Constitution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics."

Leading film actor Yuri Kayurov on the background of the Kremlin talks about how Moscow became the capital.

View of the Trinity Tower of the Kremlin.

Building an arena, people are on the sidewalk.

Manezh Square, the hotel "National".

Passage through the Trinity Gates in the Kremlin

Newsreel 1918 .: View of the Kremlin, Moscow streets, pedestrians, horse-drawn vehicles.

Lenin and Bonch-.

Train approaches station platform.

The arrival of foreign diplomats, the first ambassadors.

Foreign diplomats in the Kremlin.

Moscow streets, pedestrians.

View from the top of the Theater Square and Grand Theatre, hit a colonnade.

Newsreel 1922 .: View of the Grand Theatre.

Delegates of the First Congress of Soviets.

"Izvestia" newspaper article about the USSR.

Buildings in the Kremlin, a memorial plaque in honor of Lenin.

Lenin Museum in the Kremlin.

Excerpt feature films about Lenin (his conversation with HG Wells electrification).

Interview citizens of Germany on the Soviet Union.


Lenin (Ulyanov VI) - Soviet politician and statesman
Mushers YI - Soviet and Russian film and theater actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR
Bonch-VD - Revolutionary, Bolshevik, Soviet party and state leaders


1918-1919 1926-1929 1922

Reel №2

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Interview residents of Brazil, Italy, Sweden, about the Soviet Union.

Vietnamese interview about the USSR. Flying over the river, the forest.

Space Station flies against the backdrop of the Earth.

Cape Taran (the westernmost point of the USSR), the lighthouse.

Cape Dezhnev (the easternmost point of the country), the trees in the snow, the rising sun.

The boy, a resident of the Far East, is on snow-covered ground.

Ice floes floating in the ocean, polar bear on an ice floe.

Flowering tree, PNRM. in the garden.

Pond, a flock of swans.

The mountains in the snow.



Floating down the river kayak.

People of different nationalities in the streets of Soviet cities.

Representatives of different nationalities and the union republics: the girl at the desk.

Woman working at a desk.

Man cuts the vines.

Picking cotton.

The woman weaves a carpet.

The girl draws.

Men in traditional costumes on camels.

The dam of the reservoir (the plane).

On the river floats boat hydrofoil.

Karakum Canal (above).

Ship "Rocket" on the channel.

Bilibino nuclear power plant in Chukotka: appearance, Hall generators, automated remote control.

Bookstore buyers.

Writer Yuri Rytkheu in a bookstore talking with readers, giving autographs.

On the wall hangs a political map of the world.

Waving the red flag with the hammer and sickle.

Banners of various years in the museum.

Monument to soldiers-winners.

Field of red poppies.

Newsreel pre-revolutionary Russia:

Poor rural houses, the family for homework.

The farmer brings the horse feed.

The painting "The peasant uprising in 1861".

A fragment of a feature film about the Paris Commune.

Newsreel 1927 .:

Pierre Degeyter, author of the hymn "Internationale", in Moscow.

Conductor, chorus women sing "The Internationale".

Newsreel 1917-1920 gg .:

Lenin speaks at a rally.

Yakov Sverdlov speaks at a rally.

Truck with armed sailors going down the street.

First Cavalry Army attacks the enemy.

Newsreel, 1941-1945 .: The commander kisses banner stands before the formation of soldiers.

Footage of soldiers of the Great Patriotic War with banners in their hands.

The soldier throws a sign with German inscription.

Residents of liberated cities are looking at raising the flag.

Hoisting the flag on the Reichstag.


Rytkheu YS - Soviet, Russian and Chukchi writer
Degeyter P. - Belgian composer
Lenin (Ulyanov VI) - Soviet politician and statesman
Sverdlov YM - Russian politician and statesman, revolutionary, Bolshevik


1910-1917 1927 1917-1920 1941-1945


Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

Reel №3

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Leading film talks to Meliton Kantara in the museum at the layout of the Reichstag.

Victory Banner - museum exhibit of the Armed Forces of the USSR.

Map of the Northern regions of the country.

Newsreel of 1929-1932 .:

Expedition to the development of the northern lands, dog sled driven with baggage.

Members of the expedition (Ushakov geographer, geologist Urvantsev, radio operator Hodder, hunter Zhuravlev).

Books NN Urvantseva.

Interview Urvantseva on wintering in northern latitudes (synchronously).

Photos of the expedition.

Newsreel 1929-1932 .: yy

Raising of the flag on the mast.

Newsreel 1937-1938 .: yy

ID Papanin teammates during a polar expedition.

Newsreel 1977 .:

Icebreaker "Arktika" at the North Pole.

The rise of the red flag.

Dance around the pole with a flag.

Brass band plays, the festival opening movement on the railroad.

LI Brezhnev attaches to the Order to the banner, applause.

Red flag on the mast of the ship.

Stormy sea.

French sailors on a ship called "Spasiba".

Meeting with members of the sailors of the crew "Chernyahovsk."

Awarding of the Soviet seamen for the salvation of French sailors.

French and Soviet sailors at the table.

Farewell to our French sailors, embracing, photography.

Flying over the fields, rivers, cities.

The monument on the Kulikovo field.

The sun behind the clouds.

PNRM. on the picture: The Battle of Borodino.

Kutuzov monument in front of the Borodino Panorama in Moscow.

View of the Smolny in Leningrad.

Manor Leo Tolstoy Yasnaya Polyana, the tomb of the writer.

Monument to Minin and Pozharsky on Red Square.

Landscape: pond, greenery around.

From the top of: PNRM. the city.

The pilot in the cockpit of the helicopter.

View of the earth from a helicopter: field.

The memorial complex on the Mamaev Hill.

Uzbek H. Samatov.

On the patterned blanket laid out bowls.

Woman gets out of the oven bread cakes.

Poured tea into a bowl (large).

At the table in air sits a large family H. Samatova.

Samatova children of different nationalities: Uzbek, Tatar, Russian.

Samatova wife, children and grandchildren.

View of Moscow from the top point.

Red flag over the dome of the Kremlin buildings.

Temples of the Kremlin, Ivan the Great Bell.

Newsreel 1935-1937 gg .: construction in Moscow.

The rise of the star on the Kremlin's Spassky Tower.

Construction of houses on Gorky Street.

Mason lays brick wall.

Newsreel 1931 .: coming playwright George Bernard Shaw in Moscow, meeting at the station.


Urvantsev NN - Arctic explorer, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences
ID Papanin - Soviet Arctic explorer, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Rear Admiral, twice Hero of the Soviet Union
LI Brezhnev - The General Secretary of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPSU
Shaw DB - Irish playwright, writer, Nobel Prize in Literature.


1929-1932 1937-1938 1977 1935-1937 1931

Reel №4

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Newsreel 1935 .: writer Romain Rolland in Moscow.

Newsreel 1930 .: arrival of Rabindranath Tagore.

Newsreel 1927 .: writer Henri Barbusse in the USSR.

Newsreel 1955 .: playwright Bertolt Brecht awarded the Lenin Peace Prize.

Newsreel 1951 .: visit to Moscow F. Joliot-Curie, coming out of the car, greet occurring.

Newsreel different years: foreign political figures (Ernst Thalmann, Dolores Ibarruri, Georgi Dimitrov) in Moscow.

Newsreel 1933-1935 gg .: The construction of the first line of the Moscow metro, sinker working jackhammers.

Finishing work on the subway station under construction.

Newsreel 1941 .: anti-tank on the streets.

Red Square.

Two soldiers against the backdrop of the Bolshoi Theater.

Recording volunteers to the front, the issuance of weapons, grenades.

Parade in honor of November 7 columns of soldiers go on snow-covered Red Square.

Trucks with soldiers in the back on the streets of Moscow.

Column of tanks walking down the street.

Interview by Sergei Mikhalkov (synchronously) about the history of the Soviet anthem.

Photo by El-Registan.

Photo composer Alexander Alexandrov in uniform.

Newsreel 1944 .: Moscow at night, searchlights, gun barrel raises, zeppelins in the sky.

Demonstration on Red Square.

Hotel "Russia", a view of the Kremlin, Red Square during a demonstration.

Workers go, carry banners, banners.

View of the Kremlin across the Moscow River, on which the ship is sailing.

Official stamp put on wax.

A statue of Lenin in front of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism.

Leading to the library premises, says (synchronously) the history of the coat of arms of the USSR. In the folder are text documents in 1918.

Building printing.

Photo of the artist, who was assigned to draw the coat of arms.

Former Russian coat of arms, elements, symbolizing royal power.

Pre-revolutionary newsreel: the passage in the Kremlin Tsar Nicholas II and his entourage.

Examples of foreign coats of arms: German (Kaiser and times of the Third Reich), USA.

Coat of arms of Russia in the period of the Provisional Government.

Animation: the steps of creating the figure of the Soviet coat of arms.

Newsreel 1918 .: soldiers with guns on the street, an armored car.

Train rides, the soldiers on the roof of the car.

Intervention: the landing of American troops in the Far East.

Are soldiers from different countries.

Go foreign armored cars, tanks, cars, cavalry.

Photos of Lenin.

Documents 1918 with notes of Lenin and resolution in drawing emblem.


Rolland R. - French writer, social activist, Nobel Prize for Literature.
R. Tagore - Indian writer, poet, composer, artist, social activist, Nobel Prize for Literature.
B. Brecht - German playwright, poet, theatrical figure.
F. Joliot-Curie - French physicist and social activist, Nobel Prize in Chemistry
E. Thalmann - German politician and revolutionary leader of the Communist Party of Germany.
Ibárruri DG - Leader of the Spanish and international communist movement.
GM Dimitrov - Leader of the Bulgarian and the international communist movement.
Mikhalkov SV - Soviet poet, playwright.


1935 1930 1927 1955 1951 1933-1935 1941 1944 1918

Reel №5

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Newsreel 1918 .: The Fifth All-Russian Congress of Soviets, the delegates with a banner.

Yakov Sverdlov among the participants of the congress.

A guard checks the credentials from going to the meeting.

Photo: Lenin goes on the sidewalk.

On the table lay a letter of Lenin.

The imprint of the first Soviet stamp.

Options emblem.

Coat of arms on the building of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.

Sign: "The main production management of public signs (GOZNAK)."

Sketches for the emblem of the USSR. Interviews (synchronously) II Dubasov the creation of their coat of arms of the USSR.

Figures drafts.

Coat of arms of the Soviet Union in its final form.

View of the Palace of Congresses in the Kremlin.

Monument to Lenin in the Kremlin.

View of the Spasskaya Tower with the Kremlin.

Newsreel first five: the construction of Magnitogorsk, metallurgical plant, rolling steel.

Release of the first tractor.

Tractor plowing in the field.

The woman behind the wheel of the tractor.

Hall of automated management of nuclear power plant.

Synchrophasotron: general view.

Parking tractors.

Production of various types of: assembling tractors, turbines.

Monument "Worker and Collective Farm."

Moscow City Council building on Gorky Street, hitting the coat of arms of the Soviet Union.

Presentation of passports to young people on the passport emblem of the country.

Border post with the arms of the Soviet Union.

The plate with the arms, which was delivered to the moon.

Start a space rocket.

Newsreel 1980 .: at the stadium "Luzhniki" coat of arms of the Soviet Union during the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

Flying over Moscow in the Kremlin.

General view of the hall, where the Congress of the CPSU. The meeting of the Supreme Council, all applaud.

In the foyer of people take from the tables of the newspaper.

Assembly of trucks on the assembly line.

Scientists meet, talk (academicians A. Alexandrov, A. Prokhorov, N. Semenov, N. Basov and others), the building of the Academy of Sciences on Leninsky Prospekt.

View of the Manege Square and the hotel "Moscow".

PNRM. the Kremlin.

PNRM .: flags of foreign countries.

Pianist Van Cliburn says (synchronously) in Russian about the love of our country.

Poster 7th International Tchaikovsky Competition Tchaikovsky Van Cliburn plays the melody of the song "Goodbye favorite city."

The building of the Moscow Conservatory.

Monument Tchaikovsky.

Directions on Gorky Street past the monument to Pushkin.

Newsreel 1934 .: signboard of the First Congress of Soviet Writers.

Maxim Gorky Street meets the man go together.

Monument to Maxim Gorky in Moscow.

Newsreel 1930 .: acts Vladimir Mayakovsky.

Monument to Vladimir Mayakovsky.

Newsreel 1925 .: Yesenin.

Monument S.Yesenin

Newsreel: Ilya Repin sitting at the table.

Monument Repin

Newsreel: Felix Dzerzhinsky stands.

Monument F. Dzerzhinsky.

Newsreel: Konstantin Tsiolkovsky at your desk.

Monument K. Tsiolkovsky and stele of space explorers.

Key words

The State symbols


Sverdlov YM - Russian politician and statesman, revolutionary, Bolshevik.
AP Aleksandrov - Soviet physicist, academician, president of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, three times Hero of Socialist Labor.
Prokhorov AM - Soviet scientist, academician, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics.
NG Basov - Soviet scientist, academician, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics.
NN Semenov - Soviet scientist, academician, Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
V. Cliburn - American pianist, the first winner of the International Tchaikovsky Competition.
Gorky AM - Russian Soviet writer.
VV Mayakovsky - Soviet poet.
Yesenin SA - Soviet poet.
Repin - Russian artist.
FE Dzerzhinsky - Revolutionary, Soviet statesman, founder of the Cheka.
KE Tsiolkovsky - Russian and Soviet scientist, the founder of theoretical astronautics.


1928-1932 1934 1930



Reel №6

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

View of Moscow from the top point.

People walk in the park.

Pedestrians on the street.

Muscovites on the streets.

Fountain in the park.

View of the street from the Gorky Moscow's Manezh Square.

The hotel "National", pedestrians.

Conversation with leading Chukchi writer Yuri Rytkheu of love for the motherland.

PNRM. from the top of the river.

View of the Dnieper and the monument to Bogdan Khmelnitsky in Kiev.

Square in Minsk, transport goes in a circle.

Architectural structures of various cities in the country: buildings, monuments, squares.

Pedestrians are buying flowers.

Newlyweds walking down the street.

Industrial enterprise.

Happy face working.

Hot shop: is melting metal.

Steelworker at work.

Faces of the workers of various specialties.

Icebreaker "Arktika" is on the ice.

Waves of a stormy sea.

Trawl catch fish throws out onto the deck of the vessel.

Harvester in the field to harvest.

Machine harvesting cotton.

View of the New Arbat, the building of the Government of the RSFSR.

Kremlin from the air (helicopter mode).

Key words



Rytkheu YS - Soviet, Russian and Chukchi writer.

