Rescue parachute systems.. (1988)

Film-document №52217 1 part, Duration: 0:06:11 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:06:11

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The promotional film tells about Soviet-made rescue parachutes exported by the Aviaexport association.

Aviation | Air transport

Transportation | Sectors of the economy

Reel №1

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A plane taking off.

View from the navigator's cabin.

View of the bend of the river (from above).

Planes of various purposes in flight.

Skydivers leave the plane during a training fire alarm.

Drop-down parachute domes.

Skydivers during the descent, a view of the parachute dome.

The process of laying the parachute.

View of the stacked satchel parachute.

Control and verification tests of the next batch of rescue parachutes.

The landing of the test parachutists, the fading dome.

Helicopter and small aircraft in the air.

A skydiver makes a jump from an An-2 plane.

Jet transport plane in flight.

View of the dashboard in the cockpit.

Drop cargo from an airplane by parachute.

The pilot takes a seat in the cockpit, puts on a parachute.

Parachute attachment systems - in the cup of the chair, back and chest.

Take-off of a transport plane.

The ramp opens.

Skydivers get up from the bench, one of them remains lying with a parachute on.

Comrades throw the "sleeping" parachutist out of the plane.

Opening the dome with a semi-automatic parachute.

The dome of the descending parachute.

The face of a skydiver.

Barometric sensor for automatic opening of the parachute.

The helicopter is flying over the water surface.

A girl on an air mattress waves her hand.

The pilot looks out of the cockpit window.

The helicopter is flying over the sea.

A parachutist makes a jump from a helicopter.

The skydiver is brought down together with an inflatable boat.

A girl on an air mattress.

Skydiver on an inflatable boat after splashdown.

View of the bend of the river (from above).

Skydivers leave the plane.

Skydivers during the descent.





