Second Party Congress. (1986)

Film-document №55108 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:36, Black-white to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:48

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Producer Lennauchfilm (LNF)

Director: Z. Krashenkova

Operators: G. Poluyanov, Z. Preobrazhenskaya

Recordist: N. Shknevskaya

Other authors: N. Serebryakova, T. Kochetkova


The film tells about the history of the organization, preparation and holding of the Second Congress of the RSDLP in London in 1903, the role of V. I. Lenin in the preparation and organization of the congress.

Congress of the CPSU | History | CPSU activity

Domestic policy | Policy

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Newsreel of the 1020s: view of the facade of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow.

Panorama of the auditorium.

Lenin V. I. speaks at a meeting of the 2nd Congress of the Comintern in the Tauride Palace in Petrograd on July 19, 1920, a panorama of the meeting room.

Covers of the publication of the full text of the protocols of the Second Congress of the RSDLP, Lenin's works and memoirs about him.

Newsreel of the early 1910s: rural landscape.

Peasant women knit sheaves.

Threshing bread with hand flails.

The industrial landscape.

Photos of industrial enterprises and banks in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.

Newsreel: bank employees at work.

A steam locomotive passes by.

Production process in the open-hearth shop of one of the enterprises.

Spinners at the looms.

Miners with pickaxes and a miner-hauler in the face.

Disembarkation of prisoners from the prison car.

Photos of workers ' strikes and strikes.

Newsreel: production processes in factory shops.

Map showing the centers of workers ' performances in Russia in the 90s of the 19th century.

Photos of workers 'rallies and fragments of the x / film "Strike".

Portrait of K. Marx and F. Engels.

Portrait of V. I. Ulyanov-Lenin.

Photo of Lenin among the members of the"Union of Struggle for the Liberation of the Working Class".

A painting depicting the meeting of the First Congress of the RSDLP in Minsk in 1898.

Photos of Lenin's house in the link.

Photo of the central part of Munich.

Portraits of Lenin, Plekhanov and members of the first editorial board of the newspaper "Iskra".

The first issue of Iskra, the texts of Lenin's articles published in the newspaper.

Portraits of professional revolutionaries who participated in the spread of Iskra in Russia.

Map of Russia with the designation of cities where the RSDLP committees were located, which switched to the Iskra platform.

Newsreel: the exit of workers from the factory entrance.

One of the issues of Iskra with the text of the editorial statement.

Title page of Lenin's book " What to Do?".

Portraits of Lenin and Plekhanov.

Lenin's manuscripts with remarks on the draft program of the party drawn up by Plekhanov and his draft program.

A picture depicting a meeting in the editorial office of Iskra with Lenin's participation.

The text of Lenin's draft program of the RSDLP, published in one of the issues of Iskra.

Map of Russia showing the centers of social-democratic organizations.

Publications of the Draft program of the Party and other works of Lenin.

Map of Russia with an indication of the party organizations that sent delegates to the Second Congress of the RSDLP.

Portrait of Lenin.

Photos of the center of Brussels in 1903.

Portraits of Plekhanov, Axelrod, Deitsch and members of the group "Liberation of Labor", delegates of the Congress.

Portraits of Lenin and Plekhanov and Krasikov, elected to the Bureau of the Congress.

The text of Lenin's articles and the draft party program published in Iskra.


Vladimir Lenin -- statesman and politician





Political figures
Biography; Policy

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Texts of the minutes of the Second Congress of the RSDLP.

A picture depicting a meeting of the Congress with the participation of Lenin, fragments of the picture.

Fragments of the texts of the decisions of the Congress on the dictatorship of the proletariat, on the solution of the agrarian question.

Newsreel: panorama of the village.

Production process in the foundry of the plant.

Carriages on the streets of London.

Views of London Bridge and the Thames.

View and photo of the Parliament building.

Title and fragments of the text of the RSDLP Program adopted at the Second Congress.

A painting depicting Lenin's speech at the Second Congress of the RSDLP.

Photos of residents of the national outskirts of the Russian Empire.

Texts of economic and political requirements set out in the program.

Portrait of Plekhanov.

Title of the text of the Organizational Charter of the RSDLP adopted at the Congress.

Portraits of Lenin and Martov and texts of Lenin's and March's formulations on party membership.

Portrait of Plekhanov.

Text of the RSDLP Charter with Martov's wording on party membership.

Scheme of the party's governing bodies.

Portraits of Lenin and Plekhanov, who joined the editorial board of the central organ of the party and Martov, who refused to join the editorial board.

Paintings depicting the work of the Congress with the participation of Lenin.

Portraits of members of the Central Committee of the majority elected by the Congress.

Editions of the minutes of the Congress and Lenin's works.

Newsreel of the 1920s and 1930s: workers ' demonstrations and rallies in the cities of Western Europe, the dispersal of demonstrations by the police.

View of the rally of the Union of Red Front-line Soldiers.

E. Telman speaks at the rally.

Demonstration of the workers of Petrograd and members of the 2nd Congress of the Comintern leaves the Smolny Arch on July 19, 1920.

Lenin V. I. among the delegates of the 2nd Congress of the Comintern at the Tauride Palace.


Vladimir Lenin -- statesman and politician
Teljman Ernst -- German politician





Industry; Agriculture; Political figures; Rallies; Demonstrations
Sectors of the economy; Biography; Policy; Society, social activities and community organizations; Social life