The sky starts here. (1963)

Film-document №55762 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:06 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:08

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Director: Burkovskij K.

Script writers: Markusha A.

Operators: Mahov B.

Composers: Smirnov V.


The film tells about the work of the airport. The film was shot G.Polkovsky.

Air transport

Transportation | Sectors of the economy | Aviation

Reel №1

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Holiday house, sitting on the porch of the main character - a boy Yuri Karasev.

The boy gets up and looks at the sky flying aircraft.

Jura descends the steps and runs away.

A child jumps on a forest path.

The boy goes on a side asphalt along the stone wall.

The boy comes to the gate.

The gate drives a scooter with a trailer on the asphalt falls shovel.

The boy reads the warning on the gate.

Jura picks up the shovel and runs behind the trailer.

A boy runs along the asphalt road and stopped at the sight of the aircraft.

The boy puts the shovel on the road and runs up to the aircraft.

Near IL-16 talk to people, ducks and Jura climbs the ladder.

The child sits in the pilot's seat and play with the controls.

In the cabin there is a flight attendant.

She opens the door to the cabin, he sees the boy and the captain calls.

Captain enters the cockpit and starts the conversation.

The captain sits on the edge of the chair, hugging the child and ask questions about the instruments.

The boy thought.

The captain explains and shows the child, where the sky begins.

View of the dispatch of the aircraft.

The captain says goodbye to the guest and holds the door for him.

Jura out of the plane and down the ladder.

The boy sits on a mini-loader.

The boy sitting next to the driver.

Truck driving on the airfield, Yuri asks questions, the driver is responsible.

Landing An-10. Handling airmail.

On board the plane were charged meals for passengers.

The mechanics changed the engine.

Near the plane is a truck with fuel.

Passenger plane in tow.

Heroes of passing on the edge of the field near the old biplane, helicopter, airplane ultralight aviation.

Mini truck pulls up to the airport terminal.

Boy jumps off and runs into the building, leaving truck.

Corridor dispatcher.

Jura examined and included in the radio room.

Talking to the signalman.

At the end of the conversation the boy out into the corridor and went to the next room.

At the table sits a young woman.

The boy sneaks up and watches as it fills the map.

Meteorologist tells the child about his work.

Dissolve: designation of weather conditions on the map, the grass bends in the wind, polar bear the load during a snowstorm in the sky lightning.

Meteorologist continues the story and shows a globe with a designation of weather stations throughout the world.

The office is part engineer forecaster.

A woman cleans a globe, a man straightens card and drops a pencil onto the floor.

The boy picks up a pencil.

Engineer sends cards meteorologist boy returns pencil.

Meeting Yuri Schukin Karasev and engineer, talk about the weather stations.

Engineer with the boy leave the room.

The cabin lift rises.

Engineer takes guests to the roof.

Panorama of the airport, a view of the weather station site.

Room recording equipment.

There is a processing incoming data.

The boy looks at the engineer.

The duty engineer forecaster sends storm warning aircraft, Jura out of the office.



Reel №2

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The boy comes out of the building and run up the aircraft one of the ladders.

Jura looks around, standing at the top of the ladder.

The roof of the control room.

Blue sky.

View of the hangar.

From the gates of the aircraft tail sticking out of the hangar.

View of the airfield from the belly of the aircraft.

The boy goes to the hangar.

Jura comes through the open gate and climbs up the stairs.

Standing at the top, the boy covers his ears with his hands, opens.

The woman removes the seal from the windows.

Men make the plane seat.

Masters repairing the engine.

The group of technicians working with the mechanisms of an aircraft wing.

A technician checks the tailplane.

The painter paints the repaired area.

Check the operation of the chassis.

After watching techniques, Yura comes out of the hangar.

A boy runs along the markings on the strip.

The boy leaves the band and is on the grass.

Machine Security Service, standing next to a table, the table sits a man.

An observer looking through binoculars.

A child in a grid of binoculars.

Report an outsider in the field.

Man looking through binoculars.

The grid of the binoculars: The boy is on the field, the machine arrives, the child sits in the cockpit, the car drives off.

The boy was planted next to the machine guard, Yuri goes to the man at the table.

Talk to a supervisor.

It appears head of the airport and takes the child with her.

Late afternoon, the plane takes off at dusk.

The locator.

At the airport included spotlights.

Landing aircraft landing lights are burning.

In the office of the chief talking with Yuri.

A man and a boy get up and approach to the layout of the airport.

Jura recounts and shows all remember from the conversation, the example of a toy model airplane.

The boy asked the chief, where the sky begins.

The chief points to the bookcase.

Jura goes to the cupboard, opens the door.

Chief on the phone.

A boy examines a book.

The cabinet includes a secretary.

Chief Secretary sends mail.

Jura says goodbye to the owner of the office and receive a complimentary toy airplane.

The woman and the boy out of the room.

The room boy.

Jura sleeps toy plane lying on a bed.

