Enisei River's Meridian 2003 № 1 Fourth Estate

Film-document №55811 1 part, Duration: 0:10:01 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:02

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Producer Krasnoyarsk studio

Director: Rizhenkov B.

Operators: Ageeva E.

Other authors: Rizhenkov B.


The issue is about the Krasnoyarsk television.


Social life

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Preparing news program to the top of the ether.

Teenagers play football.

Write a story about spring cleaning the city.

TV reporter shares his impressions about his work.

Reporters in the break room.

Training participants live broadcast.

Listening to recordings.

Says Alexander Khloponin.

Alexander Khloponin and broadcaster S.Kim live, "administrative resource" program fragment.

TV reporter in front of cameras.

Tells S.Kim.

Entrance to the building of the 7th channel.

Discussion of the participants of the program.

the camera operator.

Fragment of an interview with an employee of the TV channel.

Excerpt TV programs.

End of interview.

Building TVK television channel.

Preparing for broadcasting news release.

Leading the program starts.

Alternation: TV reporter talks to Channel visitors, the streets of Krasnoyarsk evening.

The unfinished building.

The participants of the protest rally.

TV reporters at the monument to Vladimir Lenin.

Key words

TV. Television programs. Journalism. Freedom of speech.


Khloponin AG - Financier, statesman and politician, Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, an honorary citizen of Norilsk.


04.03.2003 27.03.2003





Social life