Valuable collection. (1957)

Film-document №58845 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:06 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:55

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1, 2;

Needs clarification of possibility of digitizing.

Show links for downloading

Director: Tolchan Ya.

Script writers: Belokurov L.

Operators: Tolchan Ya.

Composers: Geviksman V.


Film guide to the collection of paintings by the President of Indonesia and established on the basis of its reproductions of albums. During the demonstration paintings heard the names of their authors, and brief descriptions.

Visual Arts | Museums and exhibitions | Educational films

Culture and Arts | Science

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Types coast of Indonesia.

The capital's streets to vehicular traffic.

Palace Colonnade.

Album of reproductions of paintings from the collection of the President of Indonesia, Dr.


Portrait of Sukarno in the album.

The finale of the foreword to the album.

album pages.

Pictures and a brief description.

Pictures of artists of the neighboring states of Indonesia.

Paintings by European artists.

Modern Indonesian Painting.



Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Modern Indonesian Painting portraits.

Genre painting.

Psychological portraits.

City landscape.

Still life.

Romantic portrait.


Still life.

Genre painting.

Chinese art.

State flags of the Soviet Union, China and Indonesia.

