Die Deutsche Wochenschau 1941 № 574

Film-document №59348 3 parts, Duration: 0:30:13 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:38

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Producer UFA

Reel №1

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1. Germany.

The launching of a new German submarine.

The crew on Board the boat, bound for the Atlantic.

Farewell to colleagues.

The boat leaves on a mission.

Once the boat returns from combat operations.

Colleagues welcome the sailors.

The captain of the submarine Hans-Martin Sabe reports to the commandant of port on the outcome of the flight.

Atmosphere - the Vice-Admiral Doenitz, the commander of the submarine fleet.

Girls in uniform handing flowers to the captain .

Doenitz awards of captain and distinguished members of the crew.

Flight arrives from another submarine, on Board the inscription: "Parsifal" and drawing.

Donitz greets the captain Herbert Wohlfarth and the crew, Wohlfarth awarded the Knight's cross.

Presentation of bouquets to the heroes of submariners.

The girl holds out flowers Lieutenant commander Klaus Court, a boat which sails past the pier.

To the shore approaching the next submarine captain-Lieutenant Engelbert Endrass, the crowd welcomed the crew.

2. Of the Soviet Union.

Eastern front.

Narva occupied by German troops.

PNRM. of the city from above.

On the banks of the river are German soldiers on the other side are visible the walls of the monastery.

Crossing the Luga river on a pontoon bridge.

General George Lederman, holder of the Iron cross, in front of the camera.

German guns fired at Russian positions.

Soldiers sleeping in shooting guns.

Surrendered Soviet soldiers.

German infantrymen.

Destroyed Soviet fortifications and bunkers near Luga.

Germans on the streets.

Burning buildings.

The strengthening of the German flag on the dome of the Cathedral.

German bombers attacked the railway line Leningrad-Moscow.

Flying bombs on target.

German artillery shelled the station of Chudovo of the Oktyabrskaya railway.

German infantry advancing.

Shoot flamethrowers.

The captured Soviet bunker.

Soviet prisoners of war.

Wounded Soviet soldiers cross, shows on the bandaged leg.

Burning village.

The Germans on the streets of Vancouver.

The burned-out station.

Broken structures.

The Germans guarding the surviving station buildings.



World War II; Fleet
History; Army; Defense and internal security

Reel №2

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3. Germany.

Hitler's Headquarters.

Visit by Mussolini to Hitler.

The arrival of the Duce.

The meeting of Mussolini with Hitler and Ribbentrop, mutual greeting.

At the meeting.

Report Of Yodeling.

Hitler at the map explains Duce the development of military operations on the Eastern front.

The Hitler and Mussolini arrive at the location rate of generalfeldmarshal Brujita.

Enthusiastic reception of their soldiers.

Check out Hitler and Mussolini in the headquarters of Goering.

Goering welcomed the Duce and the Fuhrer's arrival.

The discussion of military issues in the car from Goering.


Check out the Duce and the führer.

The führer and the Duce Board the plane.

The span over the areas of hostilities on the Eastern front.

Arrival at the field the airport.

Hitler and Mussolini out of the plane.

They are greeted by field Marshal von Kluge and field Marshal von Kesselring.

Machine with Hitler and Mussolini on the battlefields.

They examine the place of battle on 22 June 1941 in the district of the Brest fortress.

The sight of the dilapidated fortress, the ruins of buildings.

Inspection of captured Soviet equipment.

Departure of distinguished guests.

Arrival at another station.

General Rundstedt and General guard rails to greet the Fuhrer and the Duce.

Presentation of colors.

The führer signed some girl's photo on the back bent officer.

Hitler and Mussolini in the car on the road.

Meet the car moving the troops going to the front.

4. Of the Soviet Union.

The southern section of the Eastern front.

German plane in flight over the Nikolaev.

Captured ships and submarines in port.

Construction of the cruiser in the dock.

The ruins at the port.

German troops in the attack on Kherson.

German artillery and cavalry in action on the banks of the Dnieper.

The Germans destroyed the city of Kherson.

Fighting for the Dniprodzerzhinsk center of the Soviet steel industry.

Mortar fires.

The corpses of Soviet soldiers at the fence.

Soviet prisoners of war are to overcoat a wounded German soldier, are injured by the Germans.

Soldiers entering the city by tanks.

Gunners deploy on the street a gun and shoot her.



World War II

Reel №3

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5. Of the Soviet Union.

Fighting for the Dniprodzerzhinsk center of the Soviet steel industry.

The southern section of the Eastern front.

Soviet soldiers have strong resistance.

Fighting on the streets.


The cinema advertising the film "Song of love".

The hydroelectric dam.

German soldiers at a railway station.

6. Of the Soviet Union.

The Central section of the Eastern front.

Shelling Gomel by German artillery.

The burning city.

Remnants of broken equipment, dead soldiers.

Guns, cars.

The local population from the ruins.

The prison of the GPU. The opening of the military hospital in the administration building.

Wounded, doctors, nurses.

The doctor examines the x-ray.

Sister in the house.

The miserable dwellings of the poor in Gomel.

The impoverished population.

The interior of the squalid house.

The continuation of the German offensive.

Vehicles with ammunition and food.

Dirt road, soldiers help to pull out of the dirt motorcycle.

Local children watching the movement of troops.

Unloading of delivered ammunition and cans of gasoline.

German armored vehicles in a burning village.

Firing a weapon.

Abandoned Russian position.

The corpses of soldiers.

German infantry in the attack.

Street fight in the village.

German soldiers in battle.

Russian soldiers surrendering.

Russian soldiers with a white cloth in his hand.

Wounded German soldiers receiving medical treatment.

Soldiers on the March.

Shoot German guns.

Calculation at the guns.

Soviet soldiers surrender, they surrender weapons.

German soldiers with Russian prisoners indicates a gathering place.

Wounded Soviet soldier.

Column of Soviet prisoners.

Are the German soldiers, moving German columns.



World War II