I serve the Fatherland. (2000)

Film-document №60734 15 footages, Duration: 5:04:17 to collection Price category V
Title image

Scene 1 0:35:05

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Scene №1 55-я дивизия Внутренних Войск, дежурство бойцов ВВ МВД в метро

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The 55th Division of Internal Troops, the soldiers of the Interior Ministry on duty in the subway.

Servicemen of the Internal Troops have lunch in the dining room.

Chevron with the image of a bird on the sleeve.

In the kitchen, senior chef Corporal Traksionov Marat Nailovich about the diet and variety of the menu.

Kitchen workers wash the cooking tanks.

Fighters from the windows at the distribution receive plates with food, put them on trays.

Stand "Menu" with the name of dishes.

The Chief of Staff of the 55th Division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Colonel Pranju Pyotr Trifonovich, talks about the history of the creation of the division and the assigned tasks to combat crime and terrorism.

Pranju P.T. on the protection of public order at metro facilities, the prevention and prevention of terrorist attacks, the protection of large mass events, lists the weapons, equipment, and armor protection equipment in service with the division.

P.T. Pranju lists the places of participation of the division's fighters in suppressing illegal actions in Moscow, participating in a counter-terrorist operation in Chechnya and preparing for the protection of public order during the upcoming elections.

Close-ups: the shoulder strap of the Colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the cockade on the cap.

An officer communicates with a fighter holding a KS-23 carbine.

The Major of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation speaks about the history of the creation of the division and the assigned tasks to combat crime, about the territorial deployment of parts of the division.

The correspondent holds a KS-23 carbine in his hands and lists the versatility of the weapon.


The train is at the metro station, the doors open and close, the train starts moving and leaves into the tunnel.

The clock is a scoreboard above the entrance to the tunnel.

Passengers on the platform of the metro station Altufevo, the train arrives and stops, people get out of the car.

People at the metro station.

The train arrives, the doors of the cars open, people go inside.

Two soldiers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs come down the stairs, one helps a woman to lower a cart down the stairs.

View of the stairs in the hall of the metro station and the passengers.

Passengers enter the carriage.

A station attendant with a signal disc in her hand.

Two soldiers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs look at the train arriving at the station.

People get off the train, the fighters get into the car and begin the inspection.

An empty carriage.

Train in the subway tunnel, view of the rails from the driver's cab, exit to the platform of the Altufevo station.

A station attendant with a signal disk in her hand and three soldiers of the Interior Ministry on the platform.

An outfit of soldiers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs enters the train car and begins to inspect the train after disembarking passengers.

The soldiers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are walking along the platform, looking out the windows of the cars, going to the stairs.

View of the subway turnstiles and incoming passengers.

People at the metro ticket office.

People go down and up the stairs.

The soldiers of the Interior Ministry on the landing in front of the stairs check the documents of citizens.

A woman with children passes through the turnstile.

The soldiers of the Interior Ministry on the landing in front of the stairs look at the passengers, approach the man, check the documents.

View of the turnstiles and information stand.

People insert travel cards into the turnstiles.

The fighters check the documents of the girls.

Three soldiers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and an officer go down the stairs.

Fighters help to lift a wheelchair with a disabled person up the steps.

The soldiers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are walking along the platform.

View of the name of the station "Altufevo".

A rubber baton on the fighter's belt.

People are coming down the stairs.

The fighters go down the stairs.

Fighters and passengers walk along the platform.





Army; Ministry of Internal Affairs; Traction; Defense and internal security; Transportation; Sectors of the economy

Scene №2 190th Military School of Cooks, Naro-Fominsk

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190th Military School of Cooks, Naro-Fominsk.

Against the background of the building, the deputy head of the school of cooks, Major Voronin Andrey Sergeevich, talks about the history of the school's creation, the demand for graduates, cooking in the field, requirements for cadets, the professions of cook and baker.

Voronin A.S. talks about the building of the school's academic building.

Cadets with a song are marching through the territory of the unit.

View of the school building.

A sign on the building "Military school of cooks".

Cadets file into the dining room.

View of the dining room doors and incoming cadets.

Two cooks carry a tank of soup to the distribution.

The cook pours soup on plates.

Cadets in the queue at the distribution take plates of food.

Close-up: soldiers' faces.

A baking sheet with meatballs.

Cooks at the distribution pour soup and put pasta on plates.

Cadets with trays go to the tables.

The hand puts the meatballs in the plates.

Close-up: a cook in a hood at the food distribution.

Plates with pasta and meatballs on the distribution.

The cadets are having lunch.

The senior cook, junior sergeant Andrey Mironinko, standing near the cooking pot for soup with a ladle in his hand, says that after graduation he stayed to work at school, talks about the menu, additional nutrition, control by colleagues, the schedule of cooking during the day, the norms of military rations, a variety of dishes.

Close-up: soup is poured into the tank with a ladle.

Kitchen, electric stove, cook pours soup from the digester into the distribution tank.

A room with a washbasin, mirror and hand dryer, cooks carry a tank of food to the kitchen.

Information plate on the wall "Product layout".

The cook goes with the plates for distribution.

Close-up: plates on the distribution.

A general view from a high point of the handout with plates of food and a tank of pasta.

Cooks at the distribution pass plates to military personnel.

The cook pours the sauce into plates with meatballs and garnish.

The head of the food service, Ustinov Alkesander Alexandrovich, lists the names of canned food in the room for storing canned food, talks about the diet of soldiers, menus and preparations of canned vegetables by the cadets themselves.

Ustinov A.A. checks cans of sauerkraut and jam on the shelves.

Racks with various canned vegetables.




Moscow region

Army; Military Education; Defense and internal security

Scene №3 201st Gatchina Order of Zhukov twice Red Banner Military Base, part 1

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201st Gatchina Order of Zhukov twice Red Banner military base, exercises.

View of the military base building, the flag of Russia and the white flag with a red cross.

People with guns on the roof of the building.

A special forces company is practicing an anti-terrorist operation to seize a building using an armored personnel carrier.

The senior lieutenant in front of the formation of fighters talks about the past lesson, notes the good actions of the fighters, calls the names, reports on shortcomings during the exercises, declares gratitude to the personnel.

The fighters loudly say "I serve the Fatherland!"

A view of an armored personnel carrier rushing along the road and a raised cloud of dust.

Against the background of a tent and the waving flag of Russia, the deputy commander of the company for airborne training, Senior Lieutenant Akimtsev Vasily Borisovich, talks about the last lesson.

Akimtsev V.B. talks about the service of contract soldiers at the training ground, his service in the amphibious forces, graduation from the military institute, parachuting, living conditions of contract soldiers and officers, the level of training of personnel, technical support of the company.

The assistant commander of the military base for public Relations and Mass Media, Lieutenant Colonel Pavel Konev, talks about the 201st military base, the history of the base, talks about participation in the Afghan events, in maintaining peace and stability in the Republic of Tajikistan, about the fallen soldiers, combat training.







Army; Military exercises and maneuvers; Defense and internal security

Scene №4 201st Gatchina Order of Zhukov twice Red Banner Military Base, part 2

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201st Gatchina Order of Zhukov twice Red Banner Military Base, part 2.

Against the background of an armored personnel carrier, the assistant commander of the military base for public Relations and mass media, Lieutenant Colonel Pavel Konev, speaks about maintaining peace and stability in the Republic of Tajikistan, combat training, interaction with the power structures of Tajikistan, about the joint military exercises "Rubezh 2005", the technical forces of the division.

View of the standing armored personnel carriers.





Army; Military exercises and maneuvers; Defense and internal security

Scene №5 Project 21960 training boat, part 1

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Training boat of project 21960, part 1.

View from the water on the boat coming out of the bay.

Navy officers on board the boat, the flags of Russia and the Navy are flying.

The presenter on board the vessel going on a parallel course speaks about the technical characteristics of the project 21960 boat and its on-board number 081.

View of the stern of the boat and the officers standing on it.

The wake of the boat.




Krasnodar region

Army; Fleet; Military exercises and maneuvers; Defense and internal security

Scene №6 Training boat of project 21960, part 2

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Training boat of project 21960, part 2.

The presenter on board the ship, running parallel course, talks about the technical characteristics of the boat of the project 21960 and its on-board number 081.

The training boat rushes through the waves.

The flag of the border troops is flying on board the boat.

Seagulls over the sea.

The boat is moored to the shore.

The sailor throws the mooring torso onto the pier.

The sailor fixes the mooring torso on the pier bollard.

On the deck of the boat, Admiral Viktor Fedorov, navy officers and a priest with an icon.

Admiral Fedorov V.D. goes down the ladder to the shore, speaks well about the technical characteristics of the boat.

The commander of the training small boat, midshipman Yuri Zlygostev, descending the steps into the cockpit of the training boat, talks about the technical characteristics of the vessel, goes to the wheelhouse, stands at the helm, talks about the technical equipment of the boat, lists navigation devices.

The boat is equipped with an echo sounder, satellite navigation system, fire extinguishing system, Japanese screw engine.

The midshipman informs that the boat is designed for training cadets, there are comfortable seats for crew members.

View of the crew rest room.

Walkie-talkies on the control panel.

The midshipman starts the boat's engine, holds the steering wheel with his hand.

View of the instrument arrows on the control panel.

View of the midshipman's back and windshield.




Krasnodar region

Army; Fleet; Military exercises and maneuvers; Defense and internal security

Scene №7 Institute of the Coast Guard of the FSB of Russia

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Institute of the Coast Guard of the FSB of Russia.

There is a training session in the gym, athletes practice hand-to-hand combat techniques.

Cadets play mini-football.

Cadets in naval uniforms at their desks.

A teacher with the rank of captain is giving a lecture.

General types of audience, cinema screen with projection, cadets and teacher.

Beds, stools and bedside tables in the barracks.

Cadets play chess.

The cadet is watching TV in the recreation room.

A cadet reads the newspaper "The Border of Russia".

In the gym, a sailor lifts a barbell lying down, a friend insures him.

Cadets perform exercises with dumbbells and a boxing "pear".

Cadets iron the uniform in the household room.

Cadets in naval uniforms at their desks.

The teacher at the blackboard with formulas.

General views of the audience, cinema screen, cadets and teacher.

Yegor Komov, a first-year cadet of the Faculty of Radio Communications and Television, talks about his studies at the Maritime Lyceum, his decision to continue his studies at the Coast Guard Institute of the FSB of Russia, studying Morse code, and his desire to serve in Kamchatka in the future.

Boats "Stork" on the stocks.

The boat of the project 21960 on the stocks and the boat "Stork" with the inscription "Coast Guard".

View of the boat's propeller and stern.




Krasnodar region

Army; Fleet; Military Education; Defense and internal security

Scene №8 Military Academy named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Timoshenko, part 2

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Military Academy of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Timoshenko, part 2.

The audience of the training complex for the training of flamethrowers.

Cadets work at computers.

Salnikov Alexander Lvovich gives the command "Attention, to the fight!"

Classes are held on electronic simulators, imitation of work with the rocket infantry flamethrowers RPO-A "Bumblebee" and the combat vehicle of the heavy flamethrower system TOS-1A "Solntsepek".

Salnikov A.L. speaks about a training complex consisting of simulators that allow to prepare the commanders of flamethrower units, providing a transition from theoretical knowledge to practical skills, allowing training to reach the required level without the consumption of flamethrowers and NURS, motor resources and fuel.

Salnikov A.L. speaks about the economic effect of using a mini-landfill.

Cadets in classrooms, lectures, individual assignments.

The major and the colonel are sitting on sofas in the foyer of the building, talking, next to an aquarium and a large houseplant.

It's snowing wet, a view of the chapel, the parade ground and the academy buildings.

View of the parade ground, the podium, the flag of Russia, flags of all branches of the armed forces on flagpoles.

View of the four-storey building and the parade ground of the Academy.

Banner on the building "Military Academy of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Timoshenko".

A platoon of cadets is marching through the territory of the academy.

Panorama from the bottom up at the windows of the building and the emblem of the Academy.

View of the podium, the flag of Russia and flags of all branches of the armed forces on the parade ground.

Panorama of buildings on the territory of the Academy.

The cadet is walking through the territory of the academy.

Classes in language classes, learning foreign languages.


Saljnikov A.L. -- Colonel, Head of the Department of Flame-throwing and Incendiary Weapons, aerosol countermeasures, radio-absorbing materials and masking Foam Coatings of the Kostroma Military Academy of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.




Kostroma region

Army; Military Education; Defense and internal security

Scene №9 Governor of the Altai Territory, interview

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Governor of the Altai Territory, interview.

Alexander Bogdanovich Karlin talks about the military-patriotic education of young people, Altaians-participants of the Second World War, his service in the army, lists the types of troops where Altaians serve.

A.B. Karlin talks about the regional program "Youth of Altai", in which the issues of military-patriotic education are highlighted by a special section, the law on cadet education, 11 municipal institutions where cadet classes have been created, talks about awarding the best cadets with awards from Russia and the Altai Territory.

Karlin A.B. about the service of conscripts of the Altai Territory in the ranks of the Presidential Regiment, the opening of a memorial plaque to Altai soldiers at the Piskarevsky Memorial Cemetery in St.

Petersburg, the restoration of the memorial to the defenders of Karelia during the Second World War, where Altai soldiers died.


Karlin A.B. -- Governor of the Altai Territory.




Altay region

Authorities and management; Army; State institutions; Defense and internal security

Scene №10 Head of the military medical Commission of the Military Commissariat of the Altai Territory, interview

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Head of the military medical commission of the Military Commissariat of the Altai Territory, interview.

Sorokin Vasily Lvovich talks about the three stages of conscription into the Presidential Regiment, the criteria for selecting recruits for health and growth.


Sorokin V.L. -- Head of the military medical commission of the Military Commissariat of the Altai Territory, lieutenant colonel of the medical service.




Altay region

Army; Medicine; Defense and internal security; Science

Scene №11 55th Division of Internal Troops

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55th Division of Internal Troops.

The major on the football field of the Luzhniki stadium talks about the soldiers of the Interior Ministry, blocking the places of incidents during matches, preventing conflicts between fans, lists the places of service of the soldiers of the Interior Ministry in the city.

Close-up: cockade, badges, chevron of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The fighters disperse through the stands of the stadium, take positions between the rows.

The fighter is standing on the stairs between the rows of chairs.

General view of the podium and the fighters.

A line of fighters rises to the podium.

Rows of stadium seats.

Fans and fighters in the stands.

General view of the stadium and the scoreboard.

Fans pass through the turnstiles to the stadium.

View of the stadium building and people.

Fans walk down the street to the stadium.

Fighters inspect people passing through the turnstile.

Fighters with service dogs on the street.

In the barracks, a soldier of the technical support company, Andrey Mironov, walks between the rows of beds, talks about the living conditions of the soldiers, shows the bedside tables, says from which regions the guys arrived and about the relations in the team.

Fighters communicate in the barracks.

The fighter at the desk.

View of the made-up beds.

The soldiers enter the barracks, the orderly is on duty.

General view of the barracks and beds.

The soldiers form up in the barracks and go out in formation on command.

The queue of soldiers at the distribution in the dining room.

A uniform headdress on a fighter's belt.

Soldiers take food trays and forks.

The cook serves plates out of the window at the distribution.

The cook puts food on the plates.

Cooks at the tanks on the distribution.

A tank with sliced cucumbers.

Scales and a sign on the wall "Table for control dishes", plates with food on a tray.

The soldiers are having lunch.





Army; Ministry of Internal Affairs; Defense and internal security

Scene №12 59th Khasan (Posyet) Border Detachment, part 1

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59th Khasan (Posyet) border detachment, border outpost "Upper".

The cook pours soup into plates at the distribution.

The cook puts the dishes with food on the tables.

Kitchen, pots on the stove.

The cook puts the mashed potatoes into plates, shows the equipment in the kitchen, cabinets with dishes, a sink for dishes, an electric oven, a cutting table.

The door with the sign "Recreation Room".

The border guard opens the door.

Bunk beds in the room.

Sergeant Sergei Gordeev opens the closet and talks about living conditions.

Two pea jackets in the closet.

Bunk bed, portrait of a girl, bedside table.

General view of the bedroom with bunk beds.

S. Gordeev enters the toilet room, washes his hands.

Mirror, shower, washbasins, electric hand dryer and towels.

General view of the toilet room with washbasins and booths.

Toilet bowl in the toilet stall, toilet paper holder.

The border guard is reading in the recreation room.

A cage with a parrot.

The border guard is watching TV.

Two border guards in the room.

The senior lieutenant gives the order to take over the protection of the state border, the border guards leave the premises.

Horses in stalls under a canopy.

The border guards saddle the horses, take them out of the stalls.

Border guards with machine guns behind their backs get on horses, leave.

Border guards are riding horses on the road.

On the territory of the outpost, Senior Lieutenant Sorokovsky Roman talks about the outpost, living conditions, contract service, serious selection of candidates for the border detachment and the provision of tourist vouchers to contract servicemen.

View of the outpost building and the UAZ car, satellite antenna.

An officer enters the building.

Outbuildings on the territory of the outpost.

Monument to fallen soldiers.

View of the outpost building and the mountains.

The border guard enters the building.

The UAZ car is in the parking lot.


The border guards are having lunch.

View of the control border strip and fence posts with barbed wire.

Two border guards are riding horses along the control lane.

The border guard dismounts, strokes the horse.




Primorsky Krai

Army; Defense and internal security

Scene №13 59th Khasan (Posyet) Border Detachment, part 2

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59th Khasan (Posyet) border detachment.

View of the roofs of buildings, the bay and the mountains.

The chief of staff of the Khasan border detachment, Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Sedykh, talks about the glorious combat past of the Khasan detachment, the protection of the state border from poachers at the present time, highly professional border guards, contract service, living conditions at outposts, plans and prospects.

Views of the bay and mountains.




Primorsky Krai

Army; Defense and internal security

Scene №14 59th Khasan (Posyet) Border Detachment, part 3

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The head of a separate checkpoint "Ussuriysk", Colonel Dracha Oleg Leontievich, talks about the checkpoint "Poltava" on the border with China, the capacity of the checkpoint, violators of border crossing rules, suppression of attempts to transport contraband, border checkpoints on the railway.




Primorsky Krai

Army; Defense and internal security

Scene №15 Military unit 6873 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Nalchik

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Military unit 6873 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Nalchik.

The colonel talks about the goals and tasks performed by the battalion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Nalchik and on the territory of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, about the combat training of personnel.

A company of soldiers marches through the territory of the unit.

View of the parade ground, stands with photos and buildings of the part.

A sign on the task "Headquarters of the military unit 6873".

A company of soldiers marching through the territory of the unit with a song.

A rear view of a police squad of three people walking down the street.

People are sitting on a bench, a police squad is passing by.

View of Concord Square and the CBD government building.

A view of tourists and a police squad.

A woman is sitting on a bench, next to a baby carriage, a police squad is passing by.

The policemen check the documents of the man.

On the Place de la Concorde, a man is sitting on a bench, three women with bags are walking down the street, pigeons.

Memorial stele of Labor Glory of the Republic.

Police Sergeant Alexey Kovalenko talks about his service in the army, work plans after demobilization, patrolling the streets.

View of the backs and legs of the walking policemen, boots.

A training ground for service dogs.

The dog handler is engaged with the Rottweiler on the playground (obedience, walking on stairs and boom, jumping).

Working out the detention of a criminal.

Contract dog handler Ekaterina Goncharova talks about working as a dog trainer, experience working with animals, characteristics of patrol dogs.

Dogs bark in aviaries.




Kabardino-Balkar Republic

Army; Defense and internal security