Paruchuri zipper. (1996)

Film-document №61024 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:44 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:57

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Producer Lennauchfilm (LNF)

Director: E.Muhin

Script writers: E.Muhin

Operators: V.Presnyakov

Anouncers: I.Krasko

Recordist: Yu.Zareckij


About the scientist-inventor L. A. Yutkin and his invention, which turned out to be unclaimed at home.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Leningrad yard.

The interior of Yutkin's apartment.

Photo of L. Yutkin on the wall.

Spinning cassettes on a tape recorder (Yutkin's voice sounds).

The widow of L. Yutkin-L. I. Goltsov listens to the recording.

Reproducing Yutkin's experience.

Panorama of magazines spread out on the table.

L. Goltsova (synchronously).

Photos of Yutkin from the investigative case.

Photos of Yutkin in the laboratory.

A fragment from the magazine "Science and Technology" with a story about the discovery of Yutkin.

L. Goltseva (synchronously)about the rejection of Yutkin's discovery.

Articles about the discovery of Yutkin in the foreign and domestic press.

Photos of Yutkin.

A fragment from a newsreel about the Yutkin crusher.

Stamping of parts.

Stamped parts.


Yutkin L.A. - fizik, izobretatelj sposoba transformacii elektricheskoj energii v mehanicheskuyu.



Science; Physics; Figures of science

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Photos of Yutkin with his wife.

Cleaning of the casting.

Aeration station.

A livestock farm.

Waste from the pig breeding complex.

The ruined Yutkin Laboratory.

Photo of Yutkin.

Pages of Yutkin's diary.

An installation created on the basis of Yutkin's invention in France .

Photo Lenin and Bonch-Bruevich in the Kremlin courtyard.

Portrait of Yutkin in his apartment.

Photos of the scientist from different years.

L. Goltsova reads an excerpt from her husband's diary (synchronously).

A fragment from a newsreel about the discovery of Yutkin.

Yutkin's grave.



Science; Physics; Figures of science