In the beginning was.... (1988)

Film-document №61535 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:50 to collection Price category L
  • Full film
  • 1
Title image

Movie 1 0:29:50

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Producer Lennauchfilm (LNF)

Director: N.Kuzin

Script writers: Yu.Shestakov

Operators: V.Kazakov, V.Smirnov, R.Cimerinov

Composers: V.Brovko

Recordist: E.Manukyan


The main problems of our time - ecology, problems of destruction. Based on the poem of Y. Shestakova “Zero to infinity”

Reel №1

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Reel №2

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Reel №3

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Movie №1

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The interior of the apartment.

An open window, a curtain fluttering in the wind.

Footage of the chronicle on the TV screen.

The hand of a sleeping man.

Galaxy (photo).

A man runs down the street, covering his ears with his hands.

He is haunted by nightmares (combined shooting).

A man enters a ruined church.

There are photos on the table, a burning candle




A group of people is walking in a chain (Night).

The bridge over the river in the fog.

A man is walking across the bridge.

Horses graze by the river.

Dew on the leaves.

Algae under water, fish.

Yellow water lilies (pods).

Two birds on a branch.

The man examines his palms.

Various monsters (animation).


Old photo: a woman with a child.

Toy monkey, bundle, horse.

Adam and Eve with an apple / (picture).

A shelf with World history and a bust of Tolstoy.

A crystal lattice of some substance.

Bust of a primitive man.

A cell under a microscope (figure).

The DNA molecule.

Portrait of Einstein.


Forest, a man is walking through the forest.

Everything is in smoke.


An empty, leaky boat is floating on the river.

Toy railway.

The train that derailed.

A rotating ballerina doll.

Mechanical dolls.

Mechanical chicken and chicken.


A burning candle.

Panorama of the frescoes.

Chronicle: boxing match.

A curtain fluttering in the wind.

Flying pieces of paper (animation).

Sinners are burning in the fire (animation).

The starry sky.

The galaxy.