Die Deutsche Wochenschau 1940 № 511

Film-document №62753 3 parts, Duration: 0:31:47, Black-white to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:11:06

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Producer UFA

Reel №1

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The war in France.

Massive attacks of German aircraft in France.

The 2nd air fleet under the command of Colonel-General Kesselring and 3rd air fleet under the command of Colonel-General Sperrle were bombing Le Havre.

Airplanes in the night sky.

Blazes the territory of the port.

German planes over the channel, they bombed the French transport in the sea, flying bombs on the ship.

The plane dives to the objects.

Bombing railroads, cities.

View French territory off the plane.


The arrows on the map to go from Compiegne to Amiens and Le Havre.

The City Of Amiens.

View of the Cathedral, the ruins.

German cars on the streets.

The view from the open cockpit of the car from behind the driver passing technique.

Go German self-propelled guns, artillery.

German soldiers among the ruins of Amiens.

In Amiens was conquered significant bridgehead bridgeheads.

The Germans on one of the railway stations Asmana.

Sign: WSMan.

Burning a tank of gasoline, poured from the holes on the jets.

Among the burning peasant houses haunting abandoned cattle.

Cattle, herded by the Germans into a special enclosure.

German soldiers milking cows, calves watered.


German units moving to new positions.

The troops of Colonel General von Bock 5 Jun should attack the French positions in the lower reaches of the Somme.

German horse-drawn artillery crossing the river.

A fragment of the battle near the Somme.

Line Weygand is under fire from the German artillery, which had taken refuge in the forest.

Wrecked French tanks.

Captured a bridge over the Somme.

French soldiers surrender, they are sent to the rear.

The colonial part, Negroes.

German soldiers are passing by columns of French prisoners.

The 7th Panzer division of Rommel, surpassing the French, moves to Le Havre and PONTOISE.

German tanks on the streets of the French town, burning buildings.

Artillery, infantry, machine gunners.

Infantry in the attack.

German observer at the citadel Fécamp, a major station on the way to Le Havre to inspect the area through binoculars.

The gunners at the parapet overlook the city.

Destroyed French town of Fécamp, the destroyed building.

Soldiers are walking among the ruins.

Are abandoned French tanks.

German artillery situated on the high coast, bombard the French sea transport.

The views captured by the Germans, the French town of Saint-valéry-EN-Caux, sailing boats at the old harbour on the channel.

Generals Erwin Rommel, Richard Ruoff accept the surrender of the French General.

The prisoners, among them one British and five French generals.

Prisoners sit in a meadow.

German vehicles and infantry move along the road to Le Havre.

German sappers demining area.

Key words

France, war world 2, BBC, fire, transport water France, war world 2, fire, engineering, artillery, destruction, animals, Cathedral France, war world 2, river, bridge, destruction, fire, artillery, equipment, troops, prisoners, military leaders surrender

Reel №2

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German troops moving on Paris, pointer: Paris is 75 km away.

German artillery firing on French positions.

The broken bridge over the Seine, the bridge supports in the water.

Erected a pontoon bridge, crossing the German cavalry and infantry.

Occupation by German troops of Rouen.

The view of the historic city with its town hall and Cathedral.

Colonel-General günther Hans von Kluge with the orderly in Rouen.

Harbor, blown up the bridge.

German artillery shelled the area occupied by the French troops.

The burning city, black smoke from blown up by the French bentogranules clouds in the sky, ruins of buildings, fires, crumbling buildings.

Burning port.

The Germans on the beach with rifles.

The guns hit the city from the port.

The soldiers moved through the streets of the city, around the ruins.

German soldiers extinguish a burning Cathedral.

View of the Cathedral, saved the Germans from the fire.

The ruins of the city.

French prisoners, among them soldiers of the colonial troops.

Night shot of the city in smoke and fire.


German soldiers and members of the NSV (National socialist charities) distribute products to a French distribution of bread.

French police help in the supply.

View of the area where a population receives the products.

Soldiers of the military engineering service of the General Todt for the job.

They removed debris, stones, carry them on wheelbarrows.

The arrival of the Fuhrer with his adjutant Rudolf Schmundt, and General Todt's visit to the soldiers of the organisation Todt, the soldiers surrounded the Fuhrer, rejoice.


The scheme of the German advance on Paris through Peronne, Noyon, Compiegne.

Shoot the German heavy howitzers and mortars near the town of Péronne, explosions.

German soldiers enter the burning city passing motorcyclists on the town hall square.

The Germans take another French city Sasi-Le-Grand.

Burning buildings.

Soldiers dismantled ruins.

Are broken tools.

Pointer: Pontarme 5 km, Paris 37 km.

Are German soldiers riding bicycles.

German General Georg Stumm, commander of the 40th army corps, with his aide near the barricades of sandbags in Noyon.

Key words

France, world war 2, soldiers, prisoners, destruction, fire, troops, of State.figures, personalities, bridge, river, Harbor, Cathedral France, world war 2, soldiers, State.figures, personalities, visit Hitler France, world war 2, troops, fire, military leaders, prisoners, personnel

Reel №3

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The surviving Cathedral in Reims.

German troops occupied the town near Paris.

German soldiers, riders moving past the burning houses, barricades.

Abandoned French vehicles, the belongings of the refugees.

The Germans run down the street, they searched the house.

In a wrecked room are killed by the soldiers.

German soldiers on the streets, they run over the tram lines to the river.

The crossing of the river Marne.

A pointer to the Paris and Soissons.

Troops marching on Paris.

French prisoners, black prisoners are on stretchers their wounded.

The German car.

Columns of German soldiers.

Soldiers on short rest, they sleep directly on the ground or on a wagon trail carts.

Lieutenant General Ritter von speck, commander of the 18th army corps, discussing something with the officer.

German tanks on a pontoon bridge crossing the river Marne.

Captured black soldiers trailing in the rain on the road, hid the uniforms.

A column of German tanks driving on the highway.

France Burning buildings in the outskirts of Paris.

German troops enter Paris.

The courtyard of the Palace complex moving carts.

Soldiers raise the Nazi flag over the Palace.

Division of the 18th army of Georg von Kyukhler come to Paris.

The occupation of Paris 14 June 1940. panorama of the French capital, the view of the square, Star, Eiffel tower, column and monuments.

Light aircraft Storch sits on Concorde square.

German soldiers and officers climb the Eiffel tower.

The German flag flies over the Eiffel tower.

A German convoy is held solemnly near the arc de Triomphe.

Frames old news about the parade on the Champs Elysees.

Parade July 14, 1939 in the Bastille Day.

British soldiers pass in front of Prime Minister Daladier and President Lebrun.

Are zouaves, French sailors.


The German tanks.

German column on the background of the arc de Triomphe.

Field Marshal Fedor von Bock and General Georg von Küchler take hits.

Are German soldiers.

The column at the top.

Generals, soldiers.

Coming German artillery.

The French on the streets of Paris. panorama of the Champs-elysées, Invalides, General view.

French police explain to a German soldier that way.

A German convoy.

The speaker is saying about the inevitability of the surrender of France.

Are the German column.

Key words

France, world war 2, soldiers, river, bridge, captured, wounded, troops, fire, tanks, refugees, warlords, personalities France, world war 2, troops, soldiers, generals World war 2, soldiers, troops, chronicle France, world war 2, soldiers, commanders, personnel, tanks, parade, artillery, disabled, radio, surrender