Die Deutsche Wochenschau 1940 № 514

Film-document №62754 3 parts, Duration: 0:34:25, Black-white to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:11:11

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Producer UFA

Reel №1

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France, Compiegne.

The carriage in which the French Marshal Fosem armistice was signed in 1918, on his way to Berlin from the station Crepy-EN-Valois.

On 25 June 1940.

General Carl Heinrich von Stulpnagel, Chairman of the German-French Commission on cessation of hostilities, arrives at the signing of the final document in Wiesbaden.

The French delegation led by the commander of army group Charles Huntziger.

The ceremony of signing.

A huge oval table in the conference room, the meeting of the Commission.

The trophies captured in France. pnrm. the English captured the aircraft on the tarmac.

View of artillery guns, tanks, shells in the stacks.

Gun on a railway platform.


Burnt-out oil storage facility in Brest.

Burning oil storage, above it a cloud of black smoke.

The ship on the water, the name on the Board: "Sarah" (Saar).

Burning oil spilled into the water.


French sending refugees to places of their permanent residence.

The refugees at the station, they sit, sleep on things.

Women taking a bath in the fountain, a man washes a baby.

The Wehrmacht and the service NSW help the people in the supply of food.

German soldiers cut the bread, distributing food to refugees in the pot.

Landing on cars.

Refugees get the paper.

German soldiers poured into cans of gasoline, distribute it to the French.

Dressing French cars fuel.

The French caravan of cars going North.

German soldiers on the Franco-Swiss border.

The verification of documents.

Open gate, passing cars.

German troops in the Spanish-French border.

Spanish General Jose Lopez Pinto reports the Germans warm greetings from the Caudillo Francisco Franco.


Paintings of ordinary life.

Reichsmarschall Hermann Goering in the car to see the city.

The Hotel "Ritz".

Goering out of the car, enters the building.

Views of a radio transmission tower.

Radio "Paris-2" under German leadership, the military stream of the concert.

German military band gives a concert on the street in front of city hall.

The French and the Germans are listening to music.


Opening of the bathing season in Scheveningen.

German soldiers walk along the promenade with a crowd of people.

Open cafes, at the tables under umbrellas are people.

Beach, in water splashing, children and adults.

In contrast, messages about the consequences of the British bombing, fire-fighting.

The ruins of the building of the sanatorium.


On a military ship before the sailors of the Prime Minister of great Britain Winston Churchill, present Minister of foreign Affairs Anthony Eden.

Churchill made a speech in front of a microphone.

Key words

France, State.the act of surrender State.figures, personalities, conference, weapons, world war 2, military leaders France, industry, oil, fire, destruction, world war 2 World war 2, refugees, railway, troops, soldiers, commanders, personnel France, State.figures, personalities, Goering, radio, concert, music, world war 2 Holland, war world 2, destruction, soldiers, population England, State.figures, personalities, world war 2

Reel №2

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Hitler greets victorious troops in the old territory of the Reich Alsace-Lorraine.

Motorcade passes by the crowd of soldiers, who welcomed the Fuhrer.

On the road through the Vosges, the car on the mountain road.

Together with the officers, Hitler is on the way, feeds an old war horse cheese.

The Fuhrer surrounded by a crowd of soldiers.

The Fuhrer sent to Strasbourg.

The car goes through the bridge.

Hitler inspects blown-up bridge.

On the outskirts of town are the bunkers.

The streets of Strasbourg, half-timbered houses, Cathedral.

Hitler inspects Cathedral and its interiors.

Hitler rides through the streets.

Soldiers on the streets greeted him joyfully.

Hitler on the Maginot line.

Damaged bunkers and fortifications.

Monument to the war Minister Andre Maginot, the initiator of armed fortifications on the border with Germany. panorama of the fortifications, the view from the plane.

Individual strengthening.

Historical footage /old chronicle/: French soldiers in the fortifications of the Maginot line.


The interior of the hopper.

The electric power station, telephone exchange.

Carriage of ammunition inside the fortifications.

Firing French guns.


The Types Of The Rhine.

The pontoon bridge, the Germans greet the Fuhrer returning from the former Franco-German front.

Girls are passed to the führer a gift in the window of the car.

Hitler shakes hands with the boy.

The führer in the car, he is greeted passengers of the oncoming train.

Train rides Fuhrer Marbach am Neckar.

Hitler at the window of the car, he is greeted to the railroad, residents of the city.

Woman hands over flowers.

The Fuhrer signing autographs, shaking hands.

Train with the Fuhrer in the way.

Key words

France, State.figures, personalities, Hitler, soldiers, bridge, Cathedral, world war 2, the destruction of monuments, strengthening Germany, war world 2, iron road, Hitler

Reel №3

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Meeting of the Fuhrer in Berlin.

Hang Nazi flags and banners.

Flowers scattered on the pavement at Angliskogo station and near the Reich Chancellery girls from the youth organization.

Huge crowds of people.

Police and soldiers hold back the tide of people.


Buglers, trumpeters with tools.

Arrives the special train.

Hitler Angelscom the station, he greets generals and officials.

The procession goes out.

The Fuehrer, Goering, Hess, Keitel, Admiral Raeder and others out of the station building.

Jubilant crowds.

Hitler walks down the street, he greets people, gets in the car.

The car should be on the streets past the screaming crowds.

Street decorated with garlands, crowds of people.

The car rides on a carpet of flowers.

The führer in the car, jubilant Berliners.

Boy, climbed to the lantern.

Hitler in the car.

Soldiers and SS men hold back the tide of the crowd.

Hitler on the balcony of the Reich Chancellery, next to Goering.

The crowd goes wild.

Goering is pointing the Marshal's baton.

The Germans shouting "Heil".

Hitler is removed from the balcony.

Propaganda film "the Denunciation".

About the harmfulness of empty denunciations.

A fat guy wrote a letter to the "authorities," and in it he brings to one of my neighbors, not vivacissimo several times the state flag.

The young man comes and by reading the denunciation, the big man explains that a neighbor hung a flag, because he was in a long trip.

The young man says that it is not necessary to burden companies with empty reports and unverified information.

Key words

Germany, world war 2, Hitler, Goering, the iron road, warlords propaganda