Die Deutsche Wochenschau 1940 № 515

Film-document №62755 3 parts, Duration: 0:30:36, Black-white to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:56

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Producer UFA

Reel №1

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The visit of the Italian Minister of foreign Affairs of Italy, count Ciano in Berlin 7-10.07.1940. At the station he meets the Minister of foreign Affairs Joachim von Ribbentrop.

Motorcade passes through the streets of Berlin, arrival in the Reich Chancellery.

Hungarian Prime Minister PAL Teleki de Seki and Minister of foreign Affairs istván csáky arrive in Munich for a meeting.

Hitler in a white cloak enters the building.

Ribbentrop accompanied by Ministers to the building.

Hitler greets them, shakes hands.


Hostilities between the Anglo-American and Italian troops in the struggle for colonies in North Africa.

Aircraft flying past the pyramids.

The English troops are engaged in operations against Italian forces in Egypt.

On the road going trucks, artillery and roll with machine guns set in position.

Fragments of hostilities.

French troops leave the territory of North Africa in accordance with the terms of the act of the armistice on the cessation of hostilities against Germany on French territory, as well as in the colonies.

French General saluting passing troops.

Historic footage: the English General rewards of French soldiers.

Speaker of the French authorities ban wearing of the English awards after the surrender and the break with England.



Monument is a female statue with the inscription Britannia.

Commemorative plaque on the monument: "This monument was erected in memory of the landing of British troops in 1914 by the Committee Boulogne veterans and thanks to the support of the state.

It was installed in Boulogne-sur-Mer and opened marshals Lord Kavan and Petain on July 19, 1938 in the presence of king George VI and Queen Elizabeth".

The explosion of the monument.

Pedestal without a monument.


Mobilized British soldiers in the classroom for drill.

The officer gave the command.

Humorous scene: a mutt barks in response to the command of an officer, the menacing looks and drives her away.


The trophies captured from the French.

Military trucks, a pile of helmets, gun barrels, projectiles, strategic stocks of shells.

Past the stacks of war material go to the German officer and soldiers.


The return of German troops from France.

The population warmly welcomes soldiers, handing them flowers.

Children and girls from League of German girls greet tank.

Soldiers hug girls, kiss them.

Women waving hats and throwing flowers.

The boys climb on the tank, wearing caps, looking through binoculars.

Tanks come down from the platform, go down the street.

Women and children scatter flowers before them.

Tanker captured by waving the French flag.

Key words

Germany, visit, State.figures, personalities, world war 2, Hitler Africa, world war 2, the troops, the air force, artillery, commanders France, monuments, explosion, war world 2 England, the troops, teachings, world war 2 France, arms, equipment, war world 2 Germany, troops, young people, soldiers, world war 2

Reel №2

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Speech by German comedian in front of the soldiers of the Waffen SS.

The return of the German cruiser from Narvik /Norway/.

The sailors and soldiers on deck, they lie in the sun loungers on the deck under the sun.

Two smiling soldiers with Iron crosses.

The young sailor shakes hands with the Knight's cross holder.

Meeting at the port.

Lieutenant General Eduard Dietl is on the ship, welcomed the soldiers.

Women in sanitary form, the girls from the youth organization welcomes sailors.

The ceremonial passing of the crew.

Two sailors are ahead of the layout of a fascist eagle with a swastika.


The return transport of the ship "Wilhelm Gustloff" from Norway with German wounded.

Unloading the wounded, loading them into the medical cars.

Hitler visiting the wounded in hospital.

He talks to them, shakes hands.


The award ceremony distinguished themselves in battle the soldiers of various arms.

Motorized troops on machines with guns, build Marines.

The soldiers attach the Iron cross.

Awarded the soldiers in front of the camera.

Close-up of the badge tanker.


Parade of German and Romanian troops in the occupied French city of Dijon.

Go ahead bearers.

The local population. pnrm. passing columns, motorcyclists.


Submarine returns from a hike.

Captain Gunther Prien, commander of the Knight's cross with oak leaves, and the crew in front of the camera.

On the stern of the boat symbol: the figure of a bull, from whose nostrils belching smoke.

Rescued by the crew of a foreign sailor.

The submarine again goes to sea.

Alarm on a submarine dive.

The increased diving depth.

Bomb depth charges.

The boat floats.

The shelling of the enemy ship's guns.

The sailors in front of the camera.

Key words

Soldiers, concert, world war 2 Germany, soldiers, port, military leaders, women, world war 2, Navy Germany, world war 2, wounded State.figures, personalities, Hitler Germany, war world 2, rewarding soldiers France, war world 2, the parade, the troops Germany, Navy, explosion, war world 2

Reel №3

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Footage of military operations.

Street fighting in a French town.

German soldiers make their way through the streets, hiding behind corners and in doorways.

The soldier fires his machine gun, putting the barrel on the shoulder of a comrade.

Is the wounded soldier with bandaged head and hand.

German wounded being loaded into ambulance plane, they are in the cabin.

On the area of wounded waiting for loading.


The announcer on the call 17th of April, requested the führer to the people /to help the wounded/.

Carpool, they go to the station with the wounded.

Loading the wounded into the train.

The nurses handed out the sandwiches to the wounded, watered, allowed to smoke.

Close-up of armband German red cross.

Wounded in the hospital, they lie in the sun, sisters handing out Newspapers.

Wounded rest, playing chess, cards.

In the hospital laid out a large red cross.

Poster: nurse bandaging a wounded soldier.

Call to the audience to donate to the Red Cross.

Key words

France, world war 2, wounded, aircraft Germany, world war 2, the wounded, medicine, Hitler