Die Deutsche Wochenschau 1940 № 521

Film-document №62758 3 parts, Duration: 0:27:33, Black-white to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:06:42

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Producer UFA

Reel №1

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Propaganda story in the form of a conversation between the two characters with the seller about the value of collecting warm clothes and the need to sacrifice for the army.


The memory of Paul Nipkow, German technician and inventor.

He invented the disc served as the basis for the emergence of mechanical television in the 1920s. (22.8.1860 - 24.8.1940).

Nipkow sitting in the chair.

The TV camera.

Fragments of the first transmission /1935/.

Recording of a Symphony orchestra, dance numbers.

Opens the door to the screening room, the screen dance.

The Director of the remote control.

Operator for the television camera, truck camera taking two assistants.

Shooting horse racing at the racetrack.

Two men watching TV.


Aircraft Assembly aircraft "Junkers". pnrm. the shop.

Mounted motors, installed in the chassis.

Key words

Germany, world war 2 propaganda Germany, personalities, TV, invention Germany, world war 2 aircraft of the air force

Reel №2

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Installation of the wings, vanes, propellers.

Ready aircraft are being taken on-site Assembly shop.

A squadron of planes on the tarmac in readiness.


Factory for the manufacture of bombs.

The process of making, turning bombs, polishing, painting, greasing.

Finished products.

The bombs are carried by a trolley.

Working in the shop for different operations.

Packaging of finished products.

The arrival of the goods at the military airfield.


War factory.

Casting of gun barrels.

Working in the hot shop.

Different stages of the casting process for the barrel.

Ready trunks.

Turning and grinding of shafts.

The instrument at the test site, shooting.

Occupied France.

The Alsace.

View of the Alsatian town, the old bridge.

Street, German soldiers riding on the hay wagon.


Children are lined up on the street, soldiers like Pat on the head.

Soldiers with motorcycles near the house.

The soldiers in the ranks, corporal checks the weapon.

Soldiers for peace lesson: peeling potatoes, doing Laundry.

The soldiers ran to the river with inflatable boats, organize rowing competitions.

The diving tower in the pool, swimming.

Key words

Germany, industry, aviation, world war 2 Germany, world war 2, military industry, workers, weapons Germany, world war 2, military industry, test, artillery France, world war 2, soldiers, children, population, leisure

Reel №3

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The premise of the League of masons.

On the wall hang the coats of arms, drawings of skulls and bones on the arms and other Masonic paraphernalia.

Paintings, portraits.

The chair in the office behind him a large mirror and a bust.

In the mirror reflected the pictures on the wall, who consider German soldiers.

The soldier opens the door to a small chamber, on the table lay the skulls and bones, the soldier picks up a bone, gets it on the table.



The poor neighborhoods, the miserable dwellings of the poor.

Shabby building, an inscription on the wall "Passage Valmy", the slums.

Children playing naked on a dirty street, among the huts, hanging clothes, lying around the wreckage.

Near the houses the population these guys with a cigarette in his mouth, adults with children, elderly people eating out of the pot.


New workers ' houses in the industrial village.

Pointer to child plant.

Women driven wheelchairs, are children.

The children run from the house to the Playground.

Children amusing themselves in the sandbox, ride on the swings.




Summer camp "Hitler youth" at Konigsberg.

Buglers give a signal "Rise", the boys run out of the tent, wash.

Distribution of Breakfast.

Training on riding motorcycles over rough terrain.


School sailors Humboldt.

The teacher conducts the lesson in the open air.

The explanation of the structure of the submarine.

Practical exercises on the submarine.

Practical exercises on the submarine.

Submarine at sea.

Interns in the workplace.

On the bridge the captain gives the command to the engine room.

Dive the boat, the view through the periscope.

The depth indicator dive.


German military camp.

Pilots on vacation, they play cards.

Tactical exercises with models.

Pilots get the order to departure.

The planes take off.

Planes in the air.

View of earth from the plane.

The pilots in the cockpit.

The plane visible to ships at sea.

The bombing of the English courts.

Flying bomb explosions.

German squadron in flight.


The attack on the English coast.

Flying bombs on target.

The aircraft in flight.

Key words

France, social organizations France, poverty, children Germany, children, entertainment Germany, world war 2 Hitler doctrine Germany, a school for the military exercises France, world war 2, Royal air force, recreation, Navy, explosion, England