Die Deutsche Wochenschau 1940 № 523

Film-document №62759 2 parts, Duration: 0:23:25, Black-white to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:11:20

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Producer UFA

Reel №1

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The international autumn technical fair in Vienna.

Reich Minister of the interior Walter Funk, Gauleiter of Vienna Obergruppenfuhrer SA, Baldur von Schirach and other officials at the opening of the fair.

General view of the fair.

Individual exhibits: machines, mechanisms, machine.

Plant stand Siemens, close-up of the power rectifier.


The arrival of Hitler at the opening of the Congress activists of Winter care.

Hitler walks down the aisle between the rows at the sports Palace in Berlin, followed by Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler, Reichsleiter Martin Bormann, General-field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel.

Goebbels speech, he read out data on the activities of the Foundation Winter aid Germany /on the background screening in institutions/.

Fundraising on the streets.

Concern about mothers and children.

Women on the porch of the sanatorium have a rest in the sun loungers.

Children lie in their cots in the fresh air.

Car service travels to remote areas, children surround the car.

Doctors examine children and young people.

Soldiers convalescing in a sanatorium, nurse gives grapes.

The announcer said the subsidies to the Red Cross.

A farm in the village.

Children in the nursery, they are in beds and pots.


Women replace men in industry and transport.

Women bake bread in the bakery.

Women care for the wounded.

Women in the shops of the plant, in the tram car.

Lunch break, the women of one of the companies at the dinner.

The speaker on the activities of the German working front care on working women.


One of the pharmaceutical enterprises of the concern "Bayer" in Leverkusen.

Making drugs, particularly aspirin.

Medications in the centrifuge.

The conveyor moves the drugs.

The process of making tablets, their packaging.

Automatic line for packaging of tablets and ampoules.

The finished drug.

Woman at the Desk put the drugs in boxes.

The points of departure on the boxes: Copenhagen, Budapest, Zagreb etc.


Special venture for the production of glass for motorcycle helmets.

Casting glass plates, polishing, grinding.

Glasses manufacturer for hats.

Testing of glass strength on the ground.

The soldier fires at the glass, the glass is covered with cracks, but not broken.


Western region.

Weimar, on the building hangs a banner welcoming the return of Germans who were evacuated in connection with military operations against France.

Returning family.

Soldiers help women with things.

People walking on the street, they are greeted residents.

People are being taken in large carts.

At the intermediate station the women of the German red cross to help women bathe the children, feed them.

To Board the carriages, accompanied


Wounded soldiers in the mountain resort of Ehrwald in Tyrol, they on the porch of the sanatorium, built by the men of the organization Todt, sunbathe on the sun loungers.

Mountain landscapes.


Children bring flowers to the wounded.

The wounded children.


The return of the SS division "Feldherrnhalle" from the area of hostilities on the Western front.

Soldier stands with standard division.

Lieutenant-General von Dahlvig and SA leader Viktor lutze bypass the guard of the SS.

The Grand building.

The performance of the anthem.

Officers and enlisted men, Goebbels is present.

Key words

Austria, fair, State.figures, personalities, visit Germany, Nazis, State.figures, personalities, Hitler, Goebbels, slide, children, youth, Red Cross, military leaders Germany, industry, women, working Germany industry medical Germany, industry, testing Germany, refugees, world war 2 soldiers Austria, resorts, wounded, soldiers, children, relax, world war 2 Germany, the SS, parade, world war 2, military leaders, Goebbels, personnel

Reel №2

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The reichsfuehrer SS, Reichsleiter Heinrich Himmler inspects the part of the division "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler" in connection with the awarding of the honorary division standard for participation in combat.

The division commander, oberstgruppenfuhrer SS Sepp Dietrich accepts the flag from the hands of Himmler.

The marching through the streets of Berlin.


Warsaw, General province.

A collection of soldiers working life /RAD/.

They with shovels on their shoulders going to a gathering, in front of the drummers.

Ernst Niel, composer of military marches and conductor, with members of a military band.

The arrival of the higher ranks: Reichsleiter, head of the Imperial work of Constantine Girle, Governor-General Hans Frank.

Girls hand Frank flowers.

The opening of the square named after Adolf Hitler, odergivala fabric, opens the inscription.


A collection of English cast machinery and equipment in Belgium.

The car pulled out of the river.

Captured equipment, part broken, transporterowych the streets of Bergen.


The Atlantic coast.

Clearance of mines on the coast, the people on the beach watching the operation.

Special forces of the fleet for mine.

Soldiers wheeled mine on the sand.

Corps defused mines at the Assembly point.

Undermining mines that cannot be transported.

North Africa, Libya.

Starts combat aircraft of the Italian air force.

Planes in the air, they fly over the desert, then above the sea.

The planes dropped bombs on a British ship.

Map of German takeovers in Europe.

England in the blockade.

A detailed diagram of the actions of the German air force against England.

The coast of occupied France.

German airfield, above the house a humorous inscription: "holiday House".

German pilots are resting, sleeping, playing cards.

Comes the job, pilots are preparing for operations against England.

The commander gives instructions to the pilots, they ready to fly.

Loading bombs.

Preparing cameras for filming during the RAID.

Military cameraman shoots at the airport takeoff squadron.

The pilots sit in the cars, start the motors.

Planes in the air.

The pilots in the cockpits, they explain to each other gestures.

Flying bombs on British territory.

Key words

Germany, the SS, the Nazis, the State.figures, personalities, rewarding, Himmler, generals, world war 2 Poland, soldiers, workers, war world 2, statesmen, personalities Belgium, military equipment, world war 2, military trophies France, soldiers, engineers, world war 2 North Africa, Libya, world war 2, Royal air force England, world war 2, Royal air force